Darwin’s Law


Senior Member

I try to make it up to the mountains at least once a week just to get some exercise and decompress. Without fail I almost always have to be on the lookout for these wanna be race car drivers who feel like it’s their own private speedway. I have seen a greater LEO presence this year on HW 129 and RR Parkway, but these YouTube stars are out of control. One less to worry about now.


The Oracle
I didn't do the subscribe thing but I know what you mean.

Use to ride motorcycles up there a lot when I was a little younger and about the same on dumber.


Slow Mod
Staff member
I was camping at Vogel over the past two weekends. Wolf Pen Gap Rd leaves US-19 just past the park. Both weekends saw numerous groups of both motorcycles and cars driving that road way too fast.


Senior Member
These yahoo's flood the area every weekend. Motorcycles and cars driving fast as they can. Heck I don't hardly leave the house on the weekends much anymore

It’s crazy. Always wondered why there was not more of a police presence. Glad to see that the law enforcement presence is increasing. I was bear hunting one afternoon of opening weekend last year off of Richard Russell. I listened to a group of guys do burnouts for 45 minutes straight, at one of the vista parking areas up towards Hogpen gap. I was ready to lob an arrow that way.


Staff member
I have no sympathy for the dead dude. And I hope they get the murder charges to stick to the other idiot. The one I feel sorry for is the innocent guy who got hit just driving down the road. They need to clamp down hard on those idiots. The crotch rocket types are bad here, too.


Slow Mod
Staff member
There were a good many out while I was up that way but they were all hugging the right side of the road single file. I actually appreciated that.


Senior Member
There were a good many out while I was up that way but they were all hugging the right side of the road single file. I actually appreciated that.

That was nice of them. But on those curvy mountain roads it doesn't make a difference if they are off to the side, or smack dap in the middle. They still put themselves and others in danger.


Senior Member
I particularly like when the motorcyclists veer into the opposing lane, that's a real good time. I've had several near misses over the last few years.

If they veer into the other lane it was one of two things. Accident avoidance or lack of skills. Even the ones who ride side by side except for your occasional 1%'ers. Either way it is failure to Maintain Lane due to speed.


If they veer into the other lane it was one of two things. Accident avoidance or lack of skills. Even the ones who ride side by side except for your occasional 1%'ers. Either way it is failure to Maintain Lane due to speed.

Not always. I know some of them are trying to move more quickly through the windys. I know, I used to be a stupid kid with a lot of motorcycles. Although I do think much of it is due to lack of skill, but sometimes I think it's on purpose.


Senior Member
Not always. I know some of them are trying to move more quickly through the windys. I know, I used to be a stupid kid with a lot of motorcycles. Although I do think much of it is due to lack of skill, but sometimes I think it's on purpose.

You are right. Its part of the thrill.


Useles Billy ain’t got nothing on ME !
Saw the wreck from across the river right after it happened. We were out hiking that day. Saw them pull the criminal out of his car--his car came to rest on the river bank, and we saw them working to get the innocent guy out of his car, finally utilizing the jaws of life to cut off the door. Was glad to see the innocent guy made it; we thought it would be the other way around after having seen him slumped down.

Out of all of that, the thing that sticks with me the most is the guy who--while all of this was going on--stood about 20 yards up stream and started fishing!