Does this sound shady as all get out or what?


Senior Member
Let me get this straight - you aren't detaining me - you aren't charging me or arresting me - but I have to give you my cash? Oh, and I might miss my flight too? To be honest I don't save my receipts for too long when I withdraw money from an ATM. Maybe I withdrew money a couple of days before I went to the airport and my receipt is in my junk drawer at home? :huh:



Cap`n Jack 1313
Let me get this straight - you aren't detaining me - you aren't charging me or arresting me - but I have to give you my cash? Oh, and I might miss my flight too? To be honest I don't save my receipts for too long when I withdraw money from an ATM. Maybe I withdrew money a couple of days before I went to the airport and my receipt is in my junk drawer at home? :huh:

Seems I read about something happening like that a while back. It's was in this little country... let me think... oh yeah, the U.S.S.R.


Senior Member
Guys who take those jobs deserve what they are going to get.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
They've got themselves a cushy little ring right there....


Daily Driveler News Team
Wonder if they are driving around in Ford Raptors?


Goatherding Non-socialist Bohemian Luddite
Yup. Happens all the time. Using the war on drugs to steal money from the people. Good luck getting it back. Sometimes people do after a long while. Many do not.