Evangelism is not..................


Senior Member
Evangelism is not a professional job for a few trained men, but is instead the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs to the company of Jesus.

-Elton Trueblood

I thought this was good to share, something that we do not think about until we hear a sermon from a pastor. Truly we who have repented and live for the King we are evangelism to this world everyday.


AMEN i try . i give out tracs at the drive thru , check out counter, gas station.


Daily Bible Verse Organizer

I wholeheartedly agree. Read this, which I think brings home the point. We are ambassadors for Christ.

2 Cor 5
[20] Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. [21] For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
Another good one Ron.
Out in Arkansas, there's the Center for the Study of Church Growth. It's a group of really smart Christian's studying what's going on with church growth and decline in different regions of the USA.

One thing they've learned is that 6% of the church population is there because of a preacher and what he said to them from the pulpit or in Bible study.

6% from the preacher.
94% from people who are touching other lives as they live for Christ.

Our example is powerfully important.