Fire and clover


Senior Member
Does burning a pasture or anywhere that has clover kill the clover? Or chickory or oats?
I want to burn my pasture and my open areas to burn the leaf cover off it.


Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
I believe it would kill all the above.


Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
I think it would be dead ... dead. If your clover went to seed, you may get new clover growing, but my suspicion is, that you'd kill everything living. One of the ways organic farms kill off weeds is with a flame weeder.
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Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
The other downside that might happen, is that you likely will open yourself up for more weeds (seeds) that are just waiting for the right time to germinate.

You could consider running a mower (finely chop) over top, to mulch the leaves, which would do no harm to the clover, oats or chicory. Mulch is a good thing.

Another option is to buy something as simple as one of these, rake the leaves/debris and then just burn small strips.

Or a larger, used version. Not sure how many acres you're talking about.


Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
And if I went thru and raked, I would go ahead and broadcast more seed of your choice. The raking will scratch the ground a little.


Senior Member
Thanks C. I did an experiment the other day by accident and will see what happens.
I was mulching the leaves by the house and set the leaves on fire my accident (I guess the belt got hot from slipping and set it on fire, they were deep). I decided to just let it burn over the yard and see what happens. I did rake and blow some of the leaves into a burn piles but mostly just let the fire burn slowly and burn the brown grass and shallow layer of leaves. Left the ash in place.
My yard is a mix of "carpet grass" and other types, clovers (some from before and I spread some Durana a few weeks ago), and weed and sedges (nut grass). I did burn a small plum (accident, probably wont make it but we will see).
Anyway thought I would ask before doing the pasture but will wait and see what this does. I usually mulch with the mower but it doesn't like it when they get deep. The rake is a good idea but I would kill myself going around all the trees, close together and not in lines etc.


Food Plot advisor extraordinaire !
Sounds like a good experiment!


Daily Driveler News Team
I used a backpack blower amd blew the leaves into strips. Ran the bushhog thru them and chopped until I could run the mower thru them.I never burned themYou will kill the.clover if you burn .

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