From A Rock To A Spear Point


Senior Member
great looking points nick. very informative on the fluting. i am looking for some good hammer stones and abraiders i am kinda makin due wit what i got but would like to have something a lil better.


Senior Member
hey nick do you ever get together with other knappers


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
Nice looking points. I would lose a finger or have a trip to the hospital doing that:bounce:


Senior Member
I'm bleeding just thinking about trying this... nice job Nick...keep em coming...I wanna learn! :biggrin3:


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Woodys Janitor, I got cut purty badly just once. I had found a flint boulder about as big as the bed on a long wheelbase truck, it probably weighed around 3 or 4 tons. I was usin` a 6 pound sledge hammer to knock off spalls. A hammerstone would have been useless in this situation. On the follow thru of a swing a spall broke off and fell slower than my swing and the 10 pound razor blade clipped my thumb on the way to the ground. Butterfly bandages and superglue fixed me up proper though. Anybody interested in gettin` this rock can find it in Hilton Ga. on the side of a dirt road. I`m sure it ain`t goin` nowhere. What I did get wasn`t even much good! :banginghe :banginghe


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Bam Bam, you can find some good sandstone layin` around in fields in places down here. Quartz makes a good hammerstone, but it is a little on the hard side. Diabase is found from the Ga. Piedmont north and makes a really good one, as well as an abrader too. The dark gray speckled hammerstone in the pics is diabase. I don`t go to many knap-ins, but they have a good one in Ocala Fla. in Feb. and one at lake Allatoona in April every year.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
A Major OOPS!! :smash: It`s only fair to post this one too. This dacite preform was the first piece I started on this mornin`. It, (not me!) decided it wanted to be two smaller points instead of one big point. Oh well, it`s just a rock! Figured I better say that before Delton did!! :rofl: Flintknappers learn to laugh at their own mistakes! :D


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Gone But Not Forgotten
I wish there a smilie for "whistle." Those are beauts, Nick! And thanks for taking the time to show us the step by steps..Keep 'em coming!


Senior Member
wow Nick that is some kinda cool for sure .....

Thanks for taking the time to post these for us .....


Senior Member
hey nick was that stuff you used heattreated?


Senior Member
Wow Nick! That was a great pictorial. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks for sharing it.

I like the looks of the Hernando even though they're woodlands.
I have one surface area on our property where I found two broken hernandos and some woodland pottery shards.
I've disked it up a lot and sometimes find a chip or two, but still looking for my whole one.

My digsite has all been mid archaic. (Morrow Mountian and Newnan)


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Thanks ya`ll. Bam Bam, that piece was heat treated. Although the Paleo people didn`t heat treat their stone, I couldn`t resist makin` a Clovis out of it. I also made it with a particular person in mind, and he doesn`t even realize it`s gonna go home with him! This one is a gift. :D


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Let`s just say if a peepin` tom is brave enough to crawl in the flower beds or sneak in them barefooted, I`ll find him at the end of the blood trail!! ;)