Got a few maters sprouted.


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
Squash, watermelon, cantaloupes and butternut squash have been moved to some solo cups. Hoping my peppers and cukes will sprout soon. I’ll have time to grow a big garden one day.IMG_0149.jpeg

B. White

Senior Member
I've got a few trays of stuff started. Need to thin them out today. The marglobes I tried last fall did good, so I'll give them another shot for spring. Also added some of the hossinators to try something new, since they get a lot of good reviews. Did a few cherokee purple in case all else fails, but the majority will be determinate for the first time in years.



"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
Never had Brandywine but have had Cherokee purple. they are great.
Should be tasty for sure.
This is my first year trying brandywines, hope they turn out. Probably get some other varieties to go with them.

B. White

Senior Member
Went in home depot for a couple of things yesterday and looked at their plants when I walked in. Buying a few plants used to be a pretty cheap way to do it, but I don't see how anybody can afford it now. Some little single maters were over $5.


Senior Member
I've got a few trays of stuff started. Need to thin them out today. The marglobes I tried last fall did good, so I'll give them another shot for spring. Also added some of the hossinators to try something new, since they get a lot of good reviews. Did a few cherokee purple in case all else fails, but the majority will be determinate for the first time in years.

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I'm curious to hear how those Hossinators turn out. I grew some Red Snappers summer before last, they were big beautiful tomatoes and made like crazy but they didn't have the flavor I was looking for. I went with Better Boy Plus and Cherokee purple this year. I just found a pack of Bella Rosa seeds I forgot I had. I don't think I've ever grown fall tomatoes but I might give them a shot this fall. I kinda liked the determinate deal if I can find one that tickles my taste buds I'll probably be hooked.

B. White

Senior Member
I'm curious to hear how those Hossinators turn out. I grew some Red Snappers summer before last, they were big beautiful tomatoes and made like crazy but they didn't have the flavor I was looking for. I went with Better Boy Plus and Cherokee purple this year. I just found a pack of Bella Rosa seeds I forgot I had. I don't think I've ever grown fall tomatoes but I might give them a shot this fall. I kinda liked the determinate deal if I can find one that tickles my taste buds I'll probably be hooked.

We are a ways from knowing how they taste, but to this point they have outgrown the other varieties planted at the same time. I think they put on a few small maters first, but I wondered if the little marglobes might produce better, since the plants were staying pretty compact and in the fall they were loaded up with lots of clusters.

Cherry tomatoes usually outgrow everything early and the first pic below is a hossinator closest and cherry tomato in a cage. Both are about waist high and hossinator is blooming fine.

One of the little marglobes is in the 2nd pic. Probably hard to tell much difference from the pics, but it has blooms and a lot more buds popping out all over and still only about knee high. So far I think they will produce more fruit and less vine based on what I see and saw in the fall, unless lack of disease resistance or some other problems take them out.


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Baroque Brass

Senior Member
If you have plants blooming and making maters, go ahead and spray them, I’m already seeing aphids and worms on mine.


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
I have plenty of green maters coming on, still a ways from a ripe one. The Parks Whoppers I bought are about 6 feet tall and loaded.
Brandywine and Cherry aren’t doing so well, virus or blight is beating them up.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I have plenty of green maters coming on, still a ways from a ripe one. The Parks Whoppers I bought are about 6 feet tall and loaded.
Brandywine and Cherry aren’t doing so well, virus or blight is beating them up.
Mine aren’t doing as well this year, appear to have something called tomato pith necrosis caused by too much water and cool temperatures. They seem to be recovering now that it’s hot but production is down. I have two more young plants to set out in case the others don’t make like they should.