I couldn't help it


Of the hard cast variety
A problem I have with this "gift" is that it is made known to us through writings of men just like every other religion. It comes down to which story an individual buys into, or doesn't.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
A problem I have with this "gift" is that it is made known to us through writings of men just like every other religion. It comes down to which story an individual buys into, or doesn't.

THE problem you have with this gift is a heart issue as it is with accepting any gift. Call it what you may, it's a lie plain and simple. You can play paddy-cake all you want. The time WILL come when you acknowledge Christ. Now bring on the wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Senior Member
THE problem you have with this gift is a heart issue as it is with accepting any gift. Call it what you may, it's a lie plain and simple. You can play paddy-cake all you want. The time WILL come when you acknowledge Christ. Now bring on the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Like I said.


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Touching the core for men is a skill set developed, for God, it is His sole manner of relating. It would seem (if I have heard some of you rightly, and for now, just to the AAA forum) that you present what for you is an objection, but which I rather see in a form of a truth, or at least not a negating of anything I hold. It has more or less taken the form of "a god would be universally and fundamentally (or should be) recognizable...(with the proviso) 'if he exists' "

In other words, to be the 'true' God his knowledge of being, and the knowledge of his being at all, that is, His existing (if there be any 'fairness", so to speak, in him at all if there is indeed a constraint to 'know him' as a right response) would have to be, in some manner, universally apprehendable. By man. All men. Everywhere, and at all times.

"You shall seek me and you shall find me when you search for me with all your heart"

"I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me."

The same God. The only God.
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Of the hard cast variety
THE problem you have with this gift is a heart issue as it is with accepting any gift. Call it what you may, it's a lie plain and simple. You can play paddy-cake all you want. The time WILL come when you acknowledge Christ. Now bring on the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Sfd, you act as if the entire population on the planet knows your god is real and the majority doesn't believe it out of denial.
The only lies in here are the guys who not only pretend to know anything about a god but then go into details and speak for such an entity and there isn't one person, especially you, that is honest enough to admit that all of their god delusions are self made.
You are trying to atone for whatever you did in the past and or still do now and cant deal with it without pretending that you have some inside scoop with a make believe figure of authority that still loves you anyway.
Your dishonesty to yourself is more disturbing than your snotty attitude towards others who just do not buy into your chicken little routine.


Senior Member
Touching the core for men is a skill set developed, for God, it is His sole manner of relating. It would seem (if I have heard some of you rightly, and for now, just to the AAA forum) that you present what for you is an objection, but which I rather see in a form of a truth, or at least not a negating of anything I hold. It has more or less taken the form of "a god would be universally and fundamentally (or should be) recognizable...(with the proviso) 'if he exists' "

In other words, to be the 'true' God his knowledge of being, and the knowledge of his being at all, that is, His existing (if there be any 'fairness", so to speak, in him at all if there is indeed a constraint to 'know him' as a right response) would have to be, in some manner, universally apprehendable. By man. All men. Everywhere, and at all times.

"You shall seek me and you shall find me when you search for me with all your heart"

"I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me."

The same God. The only God.

Of course a God can and would operate anyway that it would choose to, but the God(s) described by men are mythologies based on tens maybe hundreds of thousands of years of human experience. The trail of evidence is glaring. One should recognize the useful, allegorical parts of any mythology but not think it actually happened.


Staff member
NCHB. I'm gonna say this out of respect. I have my reasons for it and we can discuss it via PM if you want to know why. I'm gonna give it to you straight. I'm sure you are a good person, maybe even great (at least in my estimation), but there's one thing you're not, and neither is anyone else....HOLY. You have sinned, I have sinned ( probably more and worse than most. My sin bothers me EVERY ...SINGLE.....DAY. You're doesn't . I just know you're not perfect and that's the key. You/we have sinned against a Holy God and the punishment for that is eternal death. God has provided a way out. He died for us and paid the penalty for our sins. (If you want to get into the how's and whys we can). It's a free gift from
Him to us. If you don't accept the gift it's TOTALLY your choice. It's a PERSONAL decision, but the gift is there for you. It's been bought and paid for. If you don't accept it, it's your fault. No different than a present I bought for your you and told you about. You walk away from it, it's nobody's fault but yours. It's totally personal accountability.

As far as "if you never heard of Christ", that used to bother me too. Bottom line is people who have never heard of Christ still have a conscious and are judged based on how well they adhered to it. I often think it would be easier that way, unfortunately/fortunately me and you have.

I have never claimed to be holy, nor ever had any illusions of being so. I am nowhere near holy. I'm very imperfect, but generally a good-enough guy, like the majority of folks. I still don't see why a loving god would decree that I should have to burn in horrible torment for eternity because he created me to be imperfect, then punishes me for my imperfections.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
I have never claimed to be holy, nor ever had any illusions of being so. I am nowhere near holy. I'm very imperfect, but generally a good-enough guy, like the majority of folks. I still don't see why a loving god would decree that I should have to burn in horrible torment for eternity because he created me to be imperfect, then punishes me for my imperfections.

He didn't creat you to be imperfect. We are all created in his image....perfect. You were sinless the day you were born, but living in a dirty world (since the fall) we (almost) all get soiled somewhere along the way. He knew this and therefore provided a way to clean us, bring us back
to our intended state. If you refuse then it's not accurate to say he's unjust punishing you, no more so than a criminal crying foul to a judge who sentences him. You chose. Again it's individual accountability.
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Senior Member
He didn't creat you to be imperfect. We are all created in his image....perfect. You were sinless the day you were born, but living in a dirty world (since the fall) we (almost) all get soiled somewhere along the way. He knew this and therefore provided a way to clean us, bring us back
to our intended state. If you refuse then it's not accurate to say he's punishing you, no more so than a criminal crying foul to a judge who sentences him. You chose. Again it's individual accountability.

You keep bringing up the 'Judge" analogy. I reject the premise of the law as unjust. What do you think a court would do with a law that stated "Worship me or burn in He11"? A law like that goes against everything we hold as just. It's incompatible with morality.


Of the hard cast variety
Yeah because if you can't confront the truth, offer up a caricature.....a lie. Again it's a heart issue.

"Can't confront the truth....a lie...."

Says Pinoccio...


Senior Member
SFD's religion says God loves everybody, yet some will be eternally separated from Him.

He must have ripped out Rom.8:35-39 from his bible.:huh:


Of the hard cast variety
The great thing about using the bible is that pages do not have to be missing. Followers have the knack for being able to pick out the ones that fit and ignore the ones that directly counter what fits.


I have never claimed to be holy, nor ever had any illusions of being so. I am nowhere near holy. I'm very imperfect, but generally a good-enough guy, like the majority of folks. I still don't see why a loving god would decree that I should have to burn in horrible torment for eternity because he created me to be imperfect, then punishes me for my imperfections.
The knowledge that you appear to yourself as imperfect, do you believe it is of yourself? How could a thing appear imperfect to itself....of itself?


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
What do you think a court would do with a law that stated "Worship me or burn in He11"? .

You know. If there was a law Athiest couldn't argue caricatures, no one would ever know you guys existed.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
SFD's religion says God loves everybody, yet some will be eternally separated from Him........

.....by their own choice. You going into the caricature business too Brother?

Tell me something Brother. Look around down here. You see any Athiest being held to their beliefs against their will or do they believe what they do because they have chosen too. Been down here a while now and I have yet to find ONE A/A who won't tell you HE PERSONALLY MADE HIS DECISION based on..........


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
Sfd, you act as if the entire population on the planet knows your god is real and the majority doesn't believe it out of denial.
The only lies in here are the guys who not only pretend to know anything about a god but then go into details and speak for such an entity and there isn't one person, especially you, that is honest enough to admit that all of their god delusions are self made.
You are trying to atone for whatever you did in the past and or still do now and cant deal with it without pretending that you have some inside scoop with a make believe figure of authority that still loves you anyway.
Your dishonesty to yourself is more disturbing than your snotty attitude towards others who just do not buy into your chicken little routine.

The only god delusion that is self-made is you.


Senior Member
.....by their own choice. You going into the caricature business too Brother?

Tell me something Brother. Look around down here. You see any Athiest being held to their beliefs against their will or do they believe what they do because they have chosen too. Been down here a while now and I have yet to find ONE A/A who won't tell you HE PERSONALLY MADE HIS DECISION based on..........

So you're telling me that God loves every person up until the point that they reject Him? At this point, He suddenly stops loving them and condemns them to be separated from Him?

That is not an everlasting love (Jer31:3),and it still contradicts Rom.8:35-39.
Am I missing something?
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Senior Member
Meh. Yeah in the same way a murderer is punished by the judge not letting him walk. Gotta twist the truth to make it fit. Just curious, but does it ever bother you that you have to do that in order to hold to your beliefs.
You say the silliest things sometimes.