Its so hot outside .....


Senior Member
It was a 109 here today, but we're thinking cool.

It'll be cooling down to about 102-105 by the end of the week. On the bright side, humidity is hanging on in the upper single digits.

109? With the humidity? Wow, even our deserts aren't that brutal.


Senior Member
i'm in one of our deserts... humidity is hanging at 10%. roughly. so, it's our convection oven vs your sauna.

last summer, did an august pig hunt there, and i think the 94/94 was better than 108. slightly. going for 109 today.

we ran around six flags all day, until the afternoon storm broke. at least that gave a break. we did look rode hard and put away wet before the day was done though.

when we got down to the savannah the ocean and sea breeze helped.

109? With the humidity? Wow, even our deserts aren't that brutal.


Staff member
My dog was chasing the neighbor's cat and they were both walking. The dog was gaining on the cat though.


Staff member


Staff member
Now, think about y'all's grandpappies that were out there in the fields behind a mule all day, and they didn't have any air conditioning units. :D


Senior Member
Gave a dollar to a homeless guy with a sign "End Global Warming"

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
I sprayed glyphosate in the back forty this morning. When I went to go in I had to hunt for my shadow. It was so hot it had done passed out on me and wasn't taggin along anymore.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Now, think about y'all's grandpappies that were out there in the fields behind a mule all day, and they didn't have any air conditioning units. :D
My dad did that back in his younger days, and will proudly remind you of it. :LOL: He said the only air conditioning he had back then, was when the mule pooted! :rofl: He is 83 and still used to the heat. And he'd rather roll his window down than turn on the ac in his truck. He still gets out there and walks all over these woods with me, even this time of year. He may have to sit down a few times to rest, but he keeps on going. I try to keep him going, too. I love that joker dearly!


Eye Devour ReeB
Now, think about y'all's grandpappies that were out there in the fields behind a mule all day, and they didn't have any air conditioning units. :D
Had an oportunty to talk to Great Grandpa when I was a kid befoe he passed. Told me he would work the fields daylight up to an early lunch, then lay on the shaded porch napping a few hours before returning to the fields, then working to sundown.

Even he knew better, lol


Eye Devour ReeB
Drank water and just let it happen. If you get hot and wish you was cool, youre having a bad day. If you get hot, but don't give a dang, you'll make it

95g atl

Senior Member
I'm loving it. 62 here this morning when I got up. Supposed to be 76 today. Wish it would stay summer all year.

Keep an eye out for me for 5-10 acres and little mountain cabin.....Workshop would be a plus, but I can build one if need be.

i'll be heading up that way as soon as my son is out of school. Only reason why I live here is for the stellar school system. Certainly not for the traffic, expensive housing, hot summer, and yankee influx. Gosh darn, seen lots of NY,NJ,MI,OH tags lately. You get to see a lot when you sit in traffic in downtown suwanee for 9 minutes to go 6/10 of a mile. No joke. True story.

blood on the ground

Cross threading is better than two lock washers.
Keep an eye out for me for 5-10 acres and little mountain cabin.....Workshop would be a plus, but I can build one if need be.

i'll be heading up that way as soon as my son is out of school. Only reason why I live here is for the stellar school system. Certainly not for the traffic, expensive housing, hot summer, and yankee influx. Gosh darn, seen lots of NY,NJ,MI,OH tags lately. You get to see a lot when you sit in traffic in downtown suwanee for 9 minutes to go 6/10 of a mile. No joke. True story.
Off topic... Im diggin that old Massey Ferguson in your avatar.