Lake lanier Striper trip for disabled folks (UPDATE)

Arrow Flinger

Outdoors Without Limits is in the beginning stages of planning a Striper trip for disabled Sportsman on Lake Lanier. As of now, the date will be March 23rd which is a Friday. What we need is local folks who are willing to take a disabled sportsman fishing. OWL can provide assistance for anyone that needs it. I am working with the Lanier striper club, Oakwood Stiper club and local guides and hope to have spots for 50+ disabled sportsman. We are planning an all day trip since some of our participants travel good distances. We will provide lunch for all involved. OWL has insurance that will cover everyone involved including participates, guides, boat owners ect. . If you are interested in letting a disabled sportsman enjoy what we take for granted, or interested in participating or volunteering, shoot me an email at and I will get you all the information. It is a life changing experiance for all involved!

For more info on Outdoors Without Limits visit us on the web at

or on Facebook at

Check out the photo album on facebook
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Senior Member
Sounds like a really great thing you all are doing I hope you get lots of participation from folks on lanier. I have never fished lanier, but would love to help out; I'll check out your site and my calendar to see how I can assist.
Thanks for doing this.

Arrow Flinger

I would like firm commentments by the First of Feb if possible but the earlier the better. Thanks for the interest!

Jeff Blair

Senior Member
Sounds like a lot of fun. I wished I could be a part of it but already have a trip booked that day. I might be able to get them to go another day.

Nothin but Fish

Senior Member
I agree it is a great event hosted by a great organization. We were doing these out of Don's place at Hartwell. Please let Kirk know that if I can manage to get off I am in.


I have worked with Kirk and OWL at Brush Creek Sporting Club in the past and it is a great group to work with. Count me in. Email sent.


Arrow Flinger

Update, I have been in contact with Wounded Warriors out of Fort Benning and now have Wounded Warriors on the list to participate. I am expecting many WW request for the trip. Please help us not have to turn any of them down!


Senior Member
I can't gurantee fish but will offer my boat and myself if you need us