Need help. Line twist when dropping a bucktail on spinning reel...


Senior Member
When fishing for stripers on Hartwell, I usually fish with the Ben Parker spoons.

But my son is a little too young for that kind of weight. So last year, I tied on a bucktail on a spinning reel for power reeling. He caught a nice fish, it worked....but.....after one day of fishing there is too much line twist to use the reel again.

This is just from dropping the bucktail (with trailer) straight down about 70 feet and reeling straight back up.


Is the trailer causing this issue? Would it work better with a paddle tail? Can I simply add a swivel to fix the issue? I just wasn't expecting this to be a problem but the line is ruined after one trip. I was curious if you've experienced the same or if you power reel for stripers using spinning gear. What do you do differently?


Skeeter XRi

Senior Member
Dropping anything straight down with no tension on the line is asking for line twist, IMO.

I don’t know of a way to prevent it, but if you cut all lures, swivels, knots, etc off and drag the line behind the boat while idling you’ll remove most of the line twist. Also, flipping the bail back manually (instead of cranking the reel handle) seems to reduce how fast the twists show up.

You don’t say what type line you’re using, but I’ve found fluorocarbon to be the worst with line twist problems, mono to be slightly better, and braid to be the best, but they all get twisted eventually.

Hope it helps,


Senior Member
Dropping anything straight down with no tension on the line is asking for line twist, IMO.

I don’t know of a way to prevent it, but if you cut all lures, swivels, knots, etc off and drag the line behind the boat while idling you’ll remove most of the line twist. Also, flipping the bail back manually (instead of cranking the reel handle) seems to reduce how fast the twists show up.

You don’t say what type line you’re using, but I’ve found fluorocarbon to be the worst with line twist problems, mono to be slightly better, and braid to be the best, but they all get twisted eventually.

Hope it helps,
I drop-shot a good bit. This never happens. The reel he used last year had 10 lb mono. So that's why I was surprised the line was ruined in 1 trip.


Senior Member
I second what SkeeterXRi said and -will add that if the fish are taking a lot of line on drag that will cause line twist faster than anything. a few 10-20ft runs with 10lb mono by a line side will do it.

little rascal

Senior Member
Most line twist happens when putting on new line. The best method I've found that works for me on spinning reels is to lay the new line spool down with label facing up, attach new line to the reel arbor or I don't strip all my old line off so I just need less new line. Start winding, on new line after a few turns drop the line to make slack, if it twists turn the new line spool over (label down) then wind on again, lower the line, if it doesn't twist then that is the correct way to wind the new line on. Mark on your new line spool this side up so you will know the correct way next time.


Senior Member
When your moving from one spot to the next remove jig let line out and drag behind the boat line will unwind.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
Richard Gene has a great video on YouTube about this subject . Works also
Don't run the new line through all the guides, that's going to twist.
Add new line by starting it through the first guide at the reel. Same rule label up. Add some REEL MAGIC to the line AND on the roller bearing on the reel pick up. If that roller is clogged with any foreign stuff like mud, it will not ROLL. See me at the BLAST. KEN STURDIVANT SOUTHERN FISHING SCHOOLS INC.
1) Stand on any high bridge and let line and lure (or weight) hang straight down* as far as it will go and let it untwist. You will see the lure or weight twirling around as it hangs there and is slowly reeled back up. Repeat until line twist becomes minimal
2) IF I had followed my own advice, my last fishing trip would have turned out much better !

* NOT in water !!!