Oddest place you’ve found a point?

Bobby Bigtime

Senior Member
Many years ago I lit out from a very remote base camp to ascend a bald top peak. At the summit 11,000 ft was taking in the amazing view and saw my boot lace needing adjustment and found myself staring at a beautiful Duncan with the very tip broken. I always wondered the story behind the point. Had to have been a sheep or goat hunt. Given the crazy location I hope it was successful, And an atlatl dart point no less.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
I read this in the turkey forum about some points found.



Senior Member
Found several in a dirt track. Me and grandaddy found a bunch in the field before they built the dirt track. Never finished the dirt track though and now it’s all planted in pines.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Found several in a dirt track. Me and grandaddy found a bunch in the field before they built the dirt track. Never finished the dirt track though and now it’s all planted in pines.

Turkeys used to love to work that field before the track was started. :)

Anvil Head

Senior Member
Found one with my chainsaw cutting up an old red oak for firewood - not much damage to the point but wrecked a new chain.
Also found one stuck in the shell of a large snapper, back when I used to help my Dad with his turtle traps. We let that one go, Pop said it had been through enough (several other scars on that ol boy).
I remember reading an article in a St Louis paper way back when where the locals had caught a huge gator snapper 200#er with both stone points and musket balls stuck in it's shell. They put it back in the river.