Older Folks/Country Folks/Old School Manners


When I got to Army Basic Training in the early 90's I met my first female Sgt at reception. I called her ma'am and she lost her mind. Being raised in Florida and Georgia through my childhood in the 70's and 80's I was confused as to why she would be upset that i was showing respect....Thankfully i was combat arms and only had male Drill Sgt's to get used to addressing people by rank.


Senior Member
Not waving when someone lets you into traffic should be a ticketable offense.
I used to work at Robins AFB with huge lines of cars waiting enter the gates every day. We would often have visitors from far off places like CA coming in and they would have to stop at the visitor center to get a temporary pass.

I don't know how many times they commented about the politeness of us employees waving them to merge right into line. They said you wouldn't see much of that where they lived.