Pekingnese Puppies?


Senior Member
My wife has been wanting a pekingnese for quite some time now. Does anyone here know where I can get one for pretty reasonable? And what should I expect to pay. I'm not sure what the going rate is...

She wants either a pekingnese or an english bulldog... (Uga type)...

I've priced the "UGA's" and I'm sure a pekingnese will be cheaper.

Any help will be appreciated.


We got one (pekingnese) from a pet store in the Macon Mall at the tune of $350 a few years ago. If I had to guess that would probably be an average price for one.

My wife had lost her long time companion dog about a month before she came home with this little flat nosed critter that didn't weigh 2 pounds. From the time his feet hit the floor at the house he ruled the roost. The lab and springer just give way to his commands. They have so much personality and attitude. He's as friendly as they come but will sound like he'll tear your hand off if ya do something he doesn't like but hasn't ever bitten anyone, just threats. I you decide on the pekingnese over UGA I think you'll still be pleased.

Nick T


my neighbor

has one and it is extremely annoying. Everyday I come home he runs over to my truck and barks at me like I stole something. One well placed foot solved the problem.

If you want a mini guard dog that is protective this is the dog for you.

Greg Tench

Senior Member

My wife and I have had a peke for 7 yrs I wouldnt take anything for her. We got her from a breeder in Dahlonega.Ill try and find her phone # if youre interested.


Senior Member
Greg, I found a breeder about 30 miles from here. Let me check with them first. You're about 4 hours from me.
