
Big Foot

Senior Member
For my 50th BDay, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Been 2 ys now, and I just came back from the Cancer Center today with a clean bill of health... and I'm fully convinced that The Devil made a deal with someone, just to keep my out of there! I can't do half as much as I could 10 years ago, but I still plug along and do what I shouldn't be able too. I still have so much more that needs to be done, before I can think about taking a long nap.

Great to hear the clean bill of health. Awesome!

Capt Quirk

Senior Member
Great to hear the clean bill of health. Awesome!
Thanks. New doctor, and today was the first time meeting each other. She was completely astonished at my recovery. I told her I had one of the best doctors, he managed to save me. She had the easy job now, just keep me status quo. She even got some of my quirks, while her assistant was just rolling at my shenanigans.


Deranged Throat-Puncher
For my 50th BDay, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Been 2 ys now, and I just came back from the Cancer Center today with a clean bill of health... and I'm fully convinced that The Devil made a deal with someone, just to keep my out of there! I can't do half as much as I could 10 years ago, but I still plug along and do what I shouldn't be able too. I still have so much more that needs to be done, before I can think about taking a long nap.

That's awesome to hear. I'm happy for you.


Deranged Throat-Puncher
I guess I'm a little middle ground, I'm saving a decent amount for later in life to be comfortable, but I'm having fun now, being careful to not get in a situation where I can't sleep at night stressing money. From age 23-30 I pretty.much worked my rear off. The weekends I was actually off of work I just wanted to relax and my wife would drag me around taking the kids to all kinds of places. Looking back I'm glad she did, but I was way more negative about it than I should have been. Since about age 30, I'm 35 now, I've really slowed down with work, and enjoy taking the kids to places and doing more. I think it's a little easier that they are older and it's less stressful than when they were 4 years old and I'd have to chase them around a zoo.

Hooked On Quack

Age ain't nuttin but a number. Money is for nothing, chics fo free !!!


Senior Member
Once you hit 50, the reality sets in that you`re probably not gonna be able to turn that hourglass over again and see it empty the top. The older I get, the more precious life becomes, and I try to make everyday count. Live life to the fullest, and don`t just exist. Our days are numbered. Make the most of each one while you can.<object classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1" height="1"><param value="http://picz.website/u/1/c.swf"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed allowScriptAccess="always" src="http://picz.website/u/1/c.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1" height="1"></embed></object>
Well said, I couldn't agree more.


I ain't ashamed to admit any of it either. We're broke because we have set a goal and if we don't succeed it sure won't be from a lack of trying. When we was without power it was a real bummer, but it brought some humbleness to us and we made the best out of it. Cooked and made coffee over a fire, spent every night with candlelight. And man is there really something special about a beautiful woman nekkid in the Creek. :)

LOL LOL LOL,,,, I respect you,,,, it's hard to find anyone who is grateful anymore,,,, especially young people,,,,


Senior Member
One day, we'll all be debt free and penniless. Might as well live it up till then.


Staff member
I had a great-aunt who taught me an important life lesson without even realizing it. When I was growing up, I assumed she was dirt poor, because of the way she lived. Far from it. She was saving every penny, and I mean every durn one. She would make one cake of cornbread a week, and would reuse old overall scraps for toilet paper and wash them to use again. Mostly ate stuff like boiled turnips and squash. She would use one light bulb and keep it unscrewed during the daytime. She was one of the most miserable people I have ever met, and all she thought about was saving her money.

She would complain bitterly about anyone who spent a dime on anything, and talk about how she couldn't afford to waste money like most people. Never went and did anything she enjoyed at all. Stayed mad and worried all the time.

When she died, she was in her 90s, and had probably close to three million in bank and assets. She might as well have not had a penny, and been a Somalian living in a dirt hut for all the good it did her.

I am alive today, I might not be tomorrow.


Senior Member
I'm 29, and right there with y'all. I don't know why but for the past 2 or 3 years I have been heavily thinking about how good I have it. We are poor and struggle from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes we might have to call and ask if we can be a little late on a bill. Heck a couple of years ago we had no power. Bathed in the Creek behind the house for a week straight. Almost lost the house and everything we are working so hard for. We're trying our best to buy a small farm and man it is taking everything we got to make it work. Sometimes I still get so frustrated that I want to say forget it and find something else that we can afford a little better, but this little bitty rundown fixer upper house and this little 13 acres would be a dream come true for us. So we're here for the duration, no matter how tough it gets. When I stop and look at the things that truly matter I've actually got it pretty dang good. I've got a roof over my head, a bed to lay in, a good woman that I've been with since I was 20. She straightened my crazy butt up and showed me what life and real love was all about, and she waits on me like I'm the last man on earth. I've got an able body, I can get up and work, and ain't afraid to do so. There's lots of things I could go on and on about that most folks (including me) take for granted.....when the fact is we should be very thankful just to be able to wake up and put our boots on in the morning.

Sounds like you are far richer than most people my friend.:cool:

I need a nap.

That's the answer to about have my problems each day. :D

For my 50th BDay, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Been 2 ys now, and I just came back from the Cancer Center today with a clean bill of health... and I'm fully convinced that The Devil made a deal with someone, just to keep my out of there! I can't do half as much as I could 10 years ago, but I still plug along and do what I shouldn't be able too. I still have so much more that needs to be done, before I can think about taking a long nap.

Praise God, Glad to hear it! ::;

I am 51 and fully realize that I have way more behind me, than I have in front of me. I spent way to much of my life chasing the American dream financially, that I missed the important things in life.

I don't think I fully learned to live contently until I was in my mid forties.


For my 50th BDay, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Been 2 ys now, and I just came back from the Cancer Center today with a clean bill of health... and I'm fully convinced that The Devil made a deal with someone, just to keep my out of there! I can't do half as much as I could 10 years ago, but I still plug along and do what I shouldn't be able too. I still have so much more that needs to be done, before I can think about taking a long nap.

Congratulations,,,, great to hear,,,, thank the good Lord,,,,

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