Religion is for stupid people


Like a true ascetic. I'm glad for people like you. I'm glad people like you exist. You make the world and interesting place. One of these days I hope to disengage with the big bad world, too. Probably after I get my kid through college.

Is it that I find less interest in politics? The "grands" of this world seeking place? I seem to have very little choice in what bores me as what interests me.

Are ascetics given to the satisfaction of changing lower control arm bushings?

And having a hope for a 4 post car lift? And to learn how to weld competently? I don't know...

And lately I been thinking about bees, maybe a hive or two.

Can you REALLY know someone that you have never seen, never talked to, never actually met?

When I was speaking to, and thinking about my invisible friend recently, and not ignorant of you nor our brief speaking of pictographs...the idea? thought? concept? revelation? epiphany(?) came...that in one sense, and at least sensible to that Jesus Christ was submitted to being nothing more than God's Rorschach.

Men see...what they see.

I can easily see where this sounds offensive to some, and probably more amongst my brothers than any other. I am pretty sure this sounds very reductive...if not almost blasphemous to a diminishing of Him.

Although I am well able to post ample scripture referring to Him as a sign, an emblem, an ensign...even His own reference to Moses' brazen serpent...(as we touched on together) I still think His awe filled work of emptying Himself that God might write upon Him as God wished is not easily consigned to a reduction of Him.

And I think, as I speak in the presence of any and all reading, that even here some may not have as great a difficulty (were they to stop and consider O! these many many conversations!) that almost at heart of every one has been a seeking to either present themselves...or seek to find themselves "blank page".

"What is man?" We struggle in this with all the labels. All with a bias...that somehow infects the image. Believing man/christian man...superstitious man...unbelieving man, atheist man, rational man...natural man, spiritual man...always some sort of man...but man, nevertheless always in (and with) label. Trying...seeking to define man...and what is right or best...or most normal estate...uninfected. Even the term most normal shows a seed of infection. But...I am also persuaded that to our very own selves...we are...normal.

I think...we think..."I have been once "blank slate/page"...and all that has been written upon me is legitimate to making me who I am...I am fully able to discern all the significance of such writing" And reject, or include (depending upon judgment and discerning) the spurious from the valid.

I am essentially, and therefore remain essentially the true blank slate. (Even though the over writing may seem significantly slanted to others)

We are all engaged in this "what is be?"
What is...true man?

So I do not (to myself) find I diminish that man, Jesus Christ, in the beholding of His work of maintaining Himself "clean slate"...yes, I believe that. That the only writing, and picture then presented through Himself is untainted...and this regardless of how He may, at any particular time...appear to me. It's not hard for me to admit how wrong I have learned myself to be in imaginings. How presumptuous I have often been in thinking I was discerning Him, when in fact, I was only revealing myself.

I have had to be, by all my inclinations, motivations, compellings to be "teacher's pet" and thereby tormented to give right answer...been beaten down and beaten up until I have finally believed the instructor..."just tell me what you see, there are no wrong nor right answers..."

But I have also learned...just as there is no wrong nor right answer to "come up with" that will make me teacher's pet, questions are not forbidden.

I've had to ask...beyond care of how this might cause me to appear in instructor's view..."How can I truly believe you that there is no wrong nor right answer I can give?" How do you expect me to be where I don't know if I am right or wrong...and that such does not matter, and should not myself? Really, how can that be? Where...can that be?

In the world it is called fraud. In the world it is called scam. Offering what is not one's own in exchange for gain. The deceitful attempt at giving of what is not one's own in trade for something. That is so...wrong. Only a scoundrel would do it. I have absolutely no other recourse.

When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin...

It sure ain't my own...but I am persuaded it's the only place I
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Of the hard cast variety
Is it that I find less interest in politics? The "grands" of this world seeking place? I seem to have very little choice in what bores me as what interests me.

Are ascetics given to the satisfaction of changing lower control arm bushings?

And having a hope for a 4 post car lift? And to learn how to weld competently? I don't know...

And lately I been thinking about bees, maybe a hive or two.

When I was speaking to, and thinking about my invisible friend recently, and not ignorant of you nor our brief speaking of pictographs...the idea? thought? concept? revelation? epiphany(?) came...that in one sense, and at least sensible to that Jesus Christ was submitted to being nothing more than God's Rorschach.

Men see...what they see.

I can easily see where this sounds offensive to some, and probably more amongst my brothers than any other. I am pretty sure this sounds very reductive...if not almost blasphemous to a diminishing of Him.

Although I am well able to post ample scripture referring to Him as a sign, an emblem, an ensign...even His own reference to Moses' brazen serpent...(as we touched on together) I still think His awe filled work of emptying Himself that God might write upon Him as God wished is not easily consigned to a reduction of Him.

And I think, as I speak in the presence of any and all reading, that even here some may not have as great a difficulty (were they to stop and consider O! these many many conversations!) that almost at heart of every one has been a seeking to either present themselves...or seek to find themselves "blank page".

"What is man?" We struggle in this with all the labels. All with a bias...that somehow infects the image. Believing man/christian man...superstitious man...unbelieving man, atheist man, rational man...natural man, spiritual man...always some sort of man...but man, nevertheless always in (and with) label. Trying...seeking to define man...and what is right or best...or most normal estate...uninfected. Even the term most normal shows a seed of infection. But...I am also persuaded that to our very own selves...we are...normal.

I think...we think..."I have been once "blank slate/page"...and all that has been written upon me is legitimate to making me who I am...I am fully able to discern all the significance of such writing" And reject, or include (depending upon judgment and discerning) the spurious from the valid.

I am essentially, and therefore remain essentially the true blank slate. (Even though the over writing may seem significantly slanted to others)

We are all engaged in this "what is be?"
What is...true man?

So I do not (to myself) find I diminish that man, Jesus Christ, in the beholding of His work of maintaining Himself "clean slate"...yes, I believe that. That the only writing, and picture then presented through Himself is untainted...and this regardless of how He may, at any particular time...appear to me. It's not hard for me to admit how wrong I have learned myself to be in imaginings. How presumptuous I have often been in thinking I was discerning Him, when in fact, I was only revealing myself.

I have had to be, by all my inclinations, motivations, compellings to be "teacher's pet" and thereby tormented to give right answer...been beaten down and beaten up until I have finally believed the instructor..."just tell me what you see, there are no wrong nor right answers..."

But I have also learned...just as there is no wrong nor right answer to "come up with" that will make me teacher's pet, questions are not forbidden.

I've had to ask...beyond care of how this might cause me to appear in instructor's view..."How can I truly believe you that there is no wrong nor right answer I can give?" How do you expect me to be where I don't know if I am right or wrong...and that such does not matter, and should not myself? Really, how can that be? Where...can that be?

In the world it is called fraud. In the world it is called scam. Offering what is not one's own in exchange for gain. The deceitful attempt at giving of what is not one's own in trade for something. That is so...wrong. Only a scoundrel would do it. I have absolutely no other recourse.

When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin...

It sure ain't my own...but I am persuaded it's the only place I
But We know all that already and for a long time.
You just find different words to say the same thing over and over and over.
Nobody doubts your loyalty and belief.
Nobody doubts who you call god.
Nobody doubts your ability to start an answer that almost sounds like a decent explanation and turn it into personal pulpit testifying.
Nobody doubts that you feel you are unworthy.
Nobody doubts that you feel that without HimHeOne you are nothing.

If there is anyone who doubts these things, it seems that it is you. You testify too much to stay sincere.


Sincerity. I'm very glad you brought that up.
I'm becoming very fond of your reliability.

It's a tortuous and torturous place for a man to enter, in consideration of his own.

In essence though, it is the same place as "what is man?", with just a slight turn in the saying.

"Who" or what, "is the sincere man?"

Man questions what man "really is", in the presumption he may find, and is able to find that "blank slate" state of being. Tearing away as best he can what he considers entrance of spurious data (never knowing he is unequipped of himself to its recognition) to find what he believes a pure, undefiled image of what true man purest estate. That place of survey where he stands, uninfluenced by lie, to now see all things...clearly. (But all, and only, to his own thinking)

Is man believer? Underneath it all (so to speak)?
Is he unbeliever? Underneath it all? ( " ")

So that man the unbeliever might look at man the believer and say "that man is like me, but (except in) just for this one thing...he has swallowed the lie". lying man.

Of course unbelieving man then thinks..."I am sincerest man, truest man, in meaning". I mean...what I am, I mean what I say, I am sincere. I am...the representation...of true man.

O! Man believes.

He believes he can discover..."what true man is"...what man...means.

I am pure man!...that (all other) is adulterated man.

And this all works flawlessly.

Even right up to the very moment he discovers...

"Hey, but that's not what I meant!"

You do know, of course, the word reserved for the man caught trying to be sincere?

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Of the hard cast variety
Sincerity. I'm very glad you brought that up.
I'm becoming very fond of your reliability.

It's a tortuous and torturous place for a man to enter, in consideration of his own.

In essence though, it is the same place as "what is man?", with just a slight turn in the saying.

"Who" or what, "is the sincere man?"

Man questions what man "really is", in the presumption he may find, and is able to find that "blank slate" state of being. Tearing away as best he can what he considers entrance of spurious data (never knowing he is unequipped of himself to its recognition) to find what he believes a pure, undefiled image of what true man purest estate. That place of survey where he stands, uninfluenced by lie, to now see all things...clearly. (But all, and only, to his own thinking)

Is man believer? Underneath it all (so to speak)?
Is he unbeliever? Underneath it all? ( " ")

So that man the unbeliever might look at man the believer and say "that man is like me, but (except in) just for this one thing...he has swallowed the lie". lying man.

Of course unbelieving man then thinks..."I am sincerest man, truest man, in meaning". I mean...what I am, I mean what I say, I am sincere. I am...the representation...of true man.

O! Man believes.

He believes he can discover..."what true man is"...what man...means.

I am pure man!...that (all other) is adulterated man.

And this all works flawlessly.

Even right up to the very moment he discovers...

"Hey, but that's not what I meant!"

You do know, of course, the word reserved for the man caught trying to be sincere?

No need for another example to back up post #402. But great job.