Roundup and Lime


Senior Member
If I spray roundup in the morning, can I go ahead and put down lime? Would it be better to wait a while? Would it be better to plow then lime? Thanks! -JerryC (about to be sweating in the hot sun all day long.)


I don't se where it would hurt to put them down at the same time. I would kill the foilage first then plow it in then lime the ground. Just my opinion.


Senior Member
You can spray the roundup and then put out your lime if thats what you wish.It will take the plant several days to completely absorb the roundup.
If you are going to plow it is no need to put out the roundup.When you disturb the soil you will get another flush of weeds.

The very best set up is to put out your lime ,plow up your plot.Give it a few days for the next flush of weeds to come up.Spray the roundup and kill the flush,go in and plant with your drill and don't disturb the soil any more!If you have to harrow in your seed you will find your roundup has done very little for you.

Good luck with your plots.


Senior Member
From what I have experienced, soil disturbance can be a two-edged sword. It seems like there are a bunch of noxious weeds waiting in the soil for the opportunity, especially in the spring. Because of this, I have had to forego summer plots the past two years since I can't control the weeds. Now I just plant my creal grains in the fall along with my clovers and then mow the clover a couple of times in the summer. My two worst weeds are bermuda grass and sickle pod.


Senior Member
Seems like a lot of those dormant seeds would germinate with the rain and if they're too deep in the soil they would just die out before hitting the surface.

But I do see a lot of fresh sprouts after I turn the soil over. I sprayed all my fall plots this past weekend; I wait a week for everything to die then spring tooth. Wait two weeks repeat.


Senior Member

I was watching the history channel one night and they showed some seed that had been buried in one of the pyaminds that still were good. they were over 3000 years old, that would germinate if planted. If this helps any, after we spray roundup, we'll leave it alone for about two weeks before plowing. thats worked well in the clover fields for us.


Gone but not forgotten

I don't know how this works, but I can dig up ground in the yard and try to get any kind of grass to grow for lawn and it will stay bare. Then I can go down to the garden or my food plot and scratch the ground up and the weeds and grasses will flourish. Somebody explain this to me.