Sad follow up to a year ago post


Senior Member
Sorry for the loss of your friends, I'm sure you have plenty of good memories of times with them to look back on, I'm only 59 and at times wonder how long I'll be here, I've already lost some of my hunting friends and other friends in recent years, Not sure I'll ever make it to your age, as I burnt the candle at both ends for many years, and its taken its toll, but as long as I can I'll still enjoy the outdoors !

Just keep doing what you're doing !


Senior Member
Sorry for your lose..I remember your OP as well, commented to my wife said must be great to have old friends like know you can never make new Ole Friends!

Even though we’ve never met seems like you’ve got some Ole friends here!

Keep keepin on Fine Sir!!

Core Lokt

Senior Member
Really sad to hear your loss of friends. Friends, at least what I consider to call a friend are special and few between for some. I pray you have as many more seasons as you can and continue to get out there. even if not physically I hope someone will get you out there. God Bless brother.


Senior Member
This makes me think of my dad that past on too quick at 70 this past November. Man what I'd do to know he'd make it to 78. Just to give back to him what he gave me in respecting and enjoying what God gave us.


Senior Member
So sorry for the loss of your friends and bothers in Christ ?. Yes oh how wonderful that day will be when We Shall Meet Up Yonder. I feel sad yet happy at the same time. What a wonderful testament to The All Mighty God ???


Senior Member
Sorry for your loss man. Lost mine 3 years ago this week. He was 76. Still hurts...some days more than others. Hunting with him was some of the best times we had together. God bless.