Skunked at the Steel Bridge!


Senior Member
Some wise coach once said that “You win a few, and you lose a few, but you must dress out for them all.” Max and I dressed out today and entered the game with some impressive September statistics. But the bottom line is there were no runs, no hits, and no errors today. (We will get ‘em next time.) We hope that you will watch our video and peruse our photos. Thanks so much for following our adventures!!





Senior Member
Thanks for the report.

across the river

Senior Member
I figured it would continue to get better for you with the water temps continuing to drop, but it won’t be long now with lows in the 50s coming up.


Senior Member
but that bream head looks so delicious!.....ole max is really showing his age.....he reminds me of my little chihuahua....he's getting real white faced lately....14yo with congestive heart failure and failing hearing but still gong strong....


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
A successful trip to me ! And specialk , don’t let that white face fool u , that’s a sure sign of wisdom !


Senior Member
but that bream head looks so delicious!.....ole max is really showing his age.....he reminds me of my little chihuahua....he's getting real white faced lately....14yo with congestive heart failure and failing hearing but still gong strong....

Max is Approx 13. We rescued him 11 yrs ago. The Vet estimated he was 2 at the time. A great day for all concerned.

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