Suggestions on Spring Food Plots


Senior Member
Fellow Wildlife Managers,

I am about to plan and begin work on my spring food plots down here in the deep South - Gadsden County, FL. Respect. I usually pant Lab Lab Plus and it tends to do a decent job for me.

I also have Durana clover that is still growing strong. My question to you is do you recommend anything other than Lab lab Plus that you have had good experience with? Just curious as to what you may use if you are in South Ga or N FL.

We are going to plant 2 areas for spring and summer and leave the Durana clover as is in the rest of our food plots. Interested to generate a discussion on this matter.

Hope all of you are well and Go Jackets.

Ta-ton-ka chips

GONetwork Member
You could overseed some chicory into your clover

I like that Lab Lab mix. Best hunting plot I had was Lab Lab and Tropical corn. Saw lots of deer in that plot in the fall