Suppressors - ABCs of NFA Trusts - South Metro GCO May Chpater Meeting


This is a little early....but I thought I would get the word out so folks could make plans if they wanted to attend:

The May meeting of the South Metro GeorgiaCarry.Org chapter will be May 28th @ 19:00. We will be meeting at the Fayette Event Center, located at 174 North Glynn St, in Fayetteville. It is behind Arby’s and Captain Ds off of Georgia Highway 85, north of the court house. Please be sure to thank the Fayette County Republican Party for allowing us to use this facility free of charge for our meeting, 770-716-1545.

We will be catering the evening meal with Dickie’s Barbeque - Fayetteville. The cost will be $11.00 per person, choice of 2 meats, 3 sides, roll, & your choice ice tea or bottled water. To make this work out, we need everyone who plans to eat at the meeting to RSVP, via FB, PM or email to Chris or Mike, by the end of day Thursday 5/21. This will not only allow us to firm up the Dickie’s order, but also let us know how we will need to set the room set up.

This month’s main topic of discussion will be on the ABCs of NFA (National Firearms Act of 1934) trusts. If you are thinking about purchasing a suppressor for your firearm or making any other Title II weapon purchase, you will want to attend this meeting to get the facts and have your questions answered. Our presenter will be GCO radio hour host, attorney Doug King.’s annual convention is August 14 – 15 at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel. Here is the link to the convention info from the GCO web page:
GCO Executive Director, Jerry Henry will be attending our meeting to share the benefits of attending the convention, what goes on & what we will experience at the GCO convention.

Additionally we expect to have the folks from Quiet Riot Firearms, 40 Harkins St. McDonough, GA, speaking on their products and offerings. QRF handles many brands of suppressors.

We have a lot going on at this meeting. We hope everyone can clear their schedules to make it, your attendance & support is our reward.
Also if you can and are able, please stay afterwards to help stack chairs & fold up/store the tables. Thanks for your help with this!

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing everyone at this month’s meeting!


Senior Member
I have been involved in the NFA world since 96. I wish a meeting like the one you're going to do would have been around then. Sadly I will be back on 75 heading south otherwise I would be there, you can never know to much about NFA.


We thought, especially with the new law allowing the use of suppressors while hunting in Ga, that a lot of people would find this topic informative. Hate you will miss the meeting, it is always good to have input from someone seasoned with first hand knowledge on the discussion topics.


Senior Member
Bringing this back to the top. This meeting should provide a bunch of answers for people that are unsure about the NFA process, and hopefully show how easy it is to be involved.

One of the biggest misunderstandings is that owning any NFA allows the BATFE to search your house at any hour without a warrant. This is not true, if the ATF is at your door you have been on their radar for other things, owning NFA is just a coincidence.


Senior Member
silencer hunting

Awesome idea ! If I were closer on that day, I would go.
Even people who think they know a lot about NFA trusts could probably learn a thing or two. That's the thing about the law-- you don't know what you don't know, until you come to know it! And hearing a presentation from an experienced GA-licensed attorney and shooter and GCO supporter and NFA weapons owner like Doug King is a valuable thing. Everybody who has a trust, is thinking about a trust, or is thinking about getting a silencer/ short barreled rifle/ AOW / any other NFA device should attend this if at all possible.

P.S. Here's a pic of me "hunting" with my Ruger 10/22 wearing my AAC Pilot suppressor. But I'm not really hunting. It's a staged photo that appeared in an article in the GON magazine in July of 2014.


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Senior Member
Rsvp ?

QUOTE: ...we need everyone who plans to eat at the meeting to RSVP, via FB, PM or email to Chris or Mike, by the end of day Thursday 5/21.


Who is Chris? Who is Mike?
How am I supposed to contact these people? How do I find them on Facebook?
What are their exact screen names here?
If e-mail is an option, where do I find that?


You can PM me (strick54) & I will add you to the RSVP list. Do you need any additional info? Sorry for the delay in responding, but for some reason I am not getting an email when a post is added to this thread.


This sounds like a good deal & a $100 incentive to attend!
From Doug King:
" I want to remind / invite everyone to come to the south Atlanta local meeting on Thursday May 28th where I am speaking on the topic of NFA trusts and will be offering everyone in attendance a $100 complete NFA trust (a 50% discount off my normal prices)
See you at 174 North glynn St Fayetteville Georgia at 630pm!"
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Senior Member
This sounds like a good deal & a $100 incentive to attend!
From Doug King:
" I want to remind / invite everyone to come to the south Atlanta local meeting on TUESDAY May 28th where I am speaking on the topic of NFA trusts and will be offering everyone in attendance a $100 complete NFA trust (a 50% discount off my normal prices)
See you at 174 North glynn St Fayetteville Georgia at 630pm!"

FYI, the 28th is a THURSDAY.

Wish I could attend.


Senior Member
It went real well.
About 45-50 people were there. We had a real good BBQ dinner first with all the good sides.
After some brief comments and announcements about GCO in general and the upcoming convention we had a lawyer who specializes in trusts speak on the matter.
He had a lot of good information and it was enlightening for someone like me who was somewhat in the dark about the whole thing.
He answered a lot of questions from the group also.
Then Chris from Quiet Riot Firearms in McDonough gave an overview of what NFA weapons were available at the store and also what services they provided and they said after you had your trust they could make your suppressor or firearm purchase quick and easy.
It was well worth the time and more things are planned both here and other parts of the city and state.