Trapping hogs..Need some advice...


Senior Member
I got permission to hunt some land today and went and checked it out for turkeys...What I found was it looked like someone had plowed the bottoms there was so much hog sign....Dogs are not an option here because its only a stretch of about 200 yards...I have a trap and have caught about 20 over the years in it....Problem is all of the hog sign is across a big creek....Id like to trap them on the side of the creek where I can drive up to the trap...I have no interest in shooting one and having to float him back across..:D The hog sign comes right up to the side of the creek but none on this side....Ive always caught my hogs on corn and cheap dog food...Is there another bait that will really draw them or should I just stick with the corn? I assume hogs have no trouble in crossing big creeks ..(water is 2ft deep and probably 25 ft across)....Thanks in advance.


Senior Member
Try some of the apple Buck Jam type stuff with a sweet smell. Dont put it on your bait just put it on a dead stump or log close to the bait. Keep doing this everytime you bait the spot and they will get used to the smell meaning food.


Senior Member
Old doughnuts work pretty good. We used to get old doughnuts from krispy kreme. They would throw out trash bags behind the store and we'd bait with them. Hogs couldnt get enough.


Senior Member
Corn soaked in used cooking oil works like magic if there are hogs in the area. It helps if you know someone in the restaurant business that will let you dive into their grease trap with a 5-gallon bucket. (not literally "dive" in but you know what I mean).

I don't know if there's any environmental impact so I'm not going to promote it, but rumor has it that dumping it all over the corn while it's on the ground will keep the area smelling of used cooking oil for days and the hogs will actually eat the dirt.


Senior Member
Corn, Grape Koolaid (soda), yeast, few cans of beer, and water in a 5 gallon bucket. Put the lid on it...set it in the sun for at least a week. The stinkier the better..... they will come running.....


Senior Member
All of the above are good tips. used cooking oil/grease works good. you might order some in-heat hog scent too.


Senior Member
Try just a few diesel soaked rags tie em around three trunks the sweet smell I'd diesel will draw em across that creek no problem then lace the trap with Cool aid or jello mix