Chance to vent


Senior Member
Lets hear some of those " Idiots" hunter inteference stories. I know there out there:mad:

Kevin Farr

Senior Member
Went week before season opened to listen/scout and while listening and glassing birds, had somebody creeping in running a slate call. Made me think he was starting his season early. Couldn't lay my hands on him, but I left him a "nice" note in his truck which he parked by the side of the road.

Went 1st week of season to same place and had someone slipping in running a mouth call and they busted the turkeys we were working. I couldn't get across the opening fast enough to catch them.

Needless to say, the turkeys on this place went from relaxed to wired 220 and they are plum crazy acting now.

I could name a few more incidents, but I will give somebody else a turn.


Had a guy on our private lease running a box call opening morning like he was trying to call birds from 3 counties away. Birds gobbled on the roost and he started in, hacking away at that box call like he was chopping wood. He also decided to place himself in in a bare open pasture under a lone oak tree. :crazy:
He stuck out like a sore thumb. Needless to say the birds shut up fast. even though he was about 1000 yards away, I could hear him and see him and so could every bird on roost within eye and ear shot. After 13 years on this lease, he still hasn't killed a bird out there. I wish he would just stick to drinking beer and chasing coyotes in the afternoon. It's the only thing he's really good at. :confused:

Thankfully, he doesn't hunt in FL after the second week and instead decides to torture the residents around Homerville, GA instead. Of course, he's a know it all and the club president, so there's no getting rid of him since he's the lease holder and the owner's drinking buddy. Oh well, we manage to kill good birds every year depsite his obstinance. :huh:


Senior Member
I haven't been interfered with by another hunter this year (yet), but i did get interfered with by a farmer who leases the field i was hunting in. A couple saturdays ago, i was set up on 3 birds taking turns strutting and gobbling on a field edge. I wasn't calling because they were already slowly easing in my direction but still about 100 yards out. All of a sudden I caught a glare off a truck's windshield behind me and turned around to see a farmer driving through the field, getting out taking soil samples every 100 yards or so. When i turned back around the birds were gone. Oh well, what can you do. That is just one of those things that can't be helped. I have a lot of respect for farmers, they sure work harder than i do. I went and talked to him and actually "hitched" a ride with him back to my truck. I never even told him he had scared my birds off.