Hey Guys, Uncle Roy Here


I need your help.

I'd like to thank Jeff Young for posting about Uncle Roy's a few weeks back. The idea is to let our readers share their favorite recipes for cooking game and fish. This is where y'all come in.

Please send me your favorite recipe. Since we only run one a month, it might take some time to print your contribution (feel free to make more than one, by the way), but we will use it.

I try to keep it seasonal, so during the summer, we have been doing lots of fish stuff, but with deer season coming up, folks are going to be cooking venison. There's a million ways to cook it up. What's your favorite?

What about that cooler of trout you caught last time you were down Savannah way or the gobbler you got last spring?

You can reply to my request, pm me, or if you're feeling particularly secretive, just mail your recipe to Uncle Roy's Kitchen Fixins 4331 Seven Islands Rd., Madison, Ga. 30605.

Can't y'all see me now, on Food Network right after Emeril?



Roosevelt Ranger
Come on folks!

Let's see some of those good recipes! :huh:

Ah, y'all probably jest ain't got no good 'uns! :pop:


Thanks, Jeff.

It looks like you're the only fan I have. Heck, I even had to point out Uncle Roy's to my sister. My own sister!!!

I'm beginning to wonder if these folks eat. :crazy: :bounce:


GONetwork Member
I'm sure several on here can fix you up...........I'll do my part............



GONetwork Member
How can one get a copy of your Publication??

Other than GON?




Uncle Roy's is just a recipe we run in the Briefly section of the magazine each month. I wanted to run one each month, and it was something that had been tried before, but they quit doing it before. Editor Daryl Kirby said, "you need a name for it."

I just blurted out, "Uncle Roy's Kitchen Fixins" and the name stuck. I'm hoping to parlay it into a cookbook, and maybe a television show. :)

If you have a good recipe, shoot it on over, with your name and hometown included, and I'll publish it.



Alright fellas, I've got two recipes today. Y'all keep sending them. I'm building a file right now.

We can't run more than one a month, so it might take a little time to print your recipe, but bear with me and I'll get it in the magazine.

Don't forget to send me your name and hometown so I can credit you when I print your recipe.



GONetwork Member
No problem!!!

I'll send ya something, or rather I'll post it on here!!!



Roosevelt Ranger

Has anyone sent you a "Bambi Popper" recipe?

If not I can give one with a couple of variations but S.Freeman gets the credit for the original.

Let me know if you don't have it and I'll get SF to shoot it to you. It will be a big hit!



Indeed, S. Freeman sent the popper recipe over. I'll definitely be using that one myself at a tailgate party or two!

Keep the recipes coming ladies and gents. :clap:


GONetwork Member
Dawgbox, feel free to rob any recipes I put on here, and change them around to fit a recipe format.



Senior Member
Dawgbox, feel free to rob any recipes I put on here, and change them around to fit a recipe format.


Yeah, go ahead and do that. He probably robbed 'em from somewhere else anyway! ::ke:

Same as me...


Senior Member
Jeff Young said:

Has anyone sent you a "Bambi Popper" recipe?

If not I can give one with a couple of variations but S.Freeman gets the credit for the original.

Let me know if you don't have it and I'll get SF to shoot it to you. It will be a big hit!

Man, don't, mention the Poppers!!! I start salivating(slobberin' to us Alabama folks :D ) just thinking about them. I'm out of venison, so I have to wait for success to make some more. :clap: