Latest condition Crabapple food plot (rut week)


early riser

Still a lot of acorns falling at Crabapple and the deer aren't hitting the plots all that much. Seems the plots have grown the tallest ever for this time of the year.

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early riser

Sunday evening, all the way back in the fartherest left hand corner, I dropped a nice 125# nanny. Looks like we will have some fresh venison jerky and slim jim sausage to eat this year at Crabapple.

Thanks Jeff Phillips for the samples last week. I told you..., those nanny does had better be on guard or first BIG ONE stepped out in front of me would be jerky. Those samples you brought me were the greatest I had ever had. I'll have plenty to repay you for the samples in a couple of week cause that nanny is being jerkyfied ( is that a word :bounce: ) as we speak.

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early riser

early riser


Thanks, you only get to see about 2/3 of the size of the plot in the picture above. They are 2 small tree islands that start to the right of the picture and they are circular in size one behind the other. This is the plot where I counted all those scrapes a couple weeks back and the deer were still working them this week. Matter of fact, last year this plot had an issue with some dead animals we found around it and the smell must have messed it up because it wasn't productive at all hardly last year. However this year I believe it's going to be the most productive. It's where I took both my 115# and 125# does from as well as took pictures with the game cam of those 6 different bucks a week or so ago. I got to see the big 6 pointer live and in person twice last week as he cruised through the plots in the early evening. (broad daylight)

It's a little out of focus, but you may can tell a little about him. He still needs a little growing to do, but was nice for him to pay me a daylight visit.

Been kicking around wheather or not to take on maybe 1 more hunter, but it would be hard to find someone with the amount of time I would want them to dedicate to Crabapple.

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early riser


if you decide to take on a member give me a shout with all the perticulars and how much time your talking about and the dues im going to find a club in GA next year or go back to SC one or the other we dont have any good bucks here around the house there are some but few and far between the biggest i have pics of are about like what you have in the fuzzy pic there is a lot of fire hunters around here hope we got it slowed down now though let me know if you want another one. Thanks Stumpman.