Anyone remember little pecan pie snacks?

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Senior Member
Yep, some were better than others. Local bakers in the 60’s and 70’s also.


Senior Member
I remember the little pies from years ago wrapped in a clear wrapper most stores sold them back then. Nothing that I buy today tastes as good as what was made back years ago. Well, maybe my taste ain't what it used to be.


Senior Member
A good homemade pie from fresh pecans would be an eye opening experience for many folks.
My favorite type of pie. I have been blessed to have had some excellent pies made by some of the very best. You know you will get a good one when the person making you a pie knows the actual variety of nut they are using.


Senior Member
I remember them. I actually bought them a time or two. My mistake! I distinctively remember their awful taste.

I only bought them because, as a kid growing up in the 50's, I fondly remember the tiny pecan pies Mom brought home from her trips to the bakery for "store bought" bread. The baker would give to regular customers with kids a few miniature pies every fall after the pecans began to drop. Those little pies were magical!!!!!


Staff member
As much as I am a fan of Little Debbie and all her work, I never liked the little pecan pies in the little tins. They had an off taste to them. Now, the pecan twirls are a different story love those!



frying fish driveler
My favorite type of pie. I have been blessed to have had some excellent pies made by some of the very best. You know you will get a good one when the person making you a pie knows the actual variety of nut they are using.
I know exactly, my bride has had 48 years of practice. I’m waiting until the Elliots fall here in my orchard. They are fine pie nuts. Oh yeah,need white Karo in them pies.


Staff member
As a hilarious sidenote, I tried to copy the pic from the little debbie site, and here's what it saved:

I guess they don't like you using their pics without their permission. :rofl:

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
Used to love me a handful of “Pecan sandies” with a cold glass of sweet milk. :clap: Good stuff ! Them little pecan pies are good if you throw them in the micro wave for a spell. Ain’t nothing like homemade tho.


Slow Mod
Staff member
I remember the little pecan pies but they couldn't hold a candle to the real thing.

Oh yeah,need white Karo in them pies.

Momma used half light and half dark Karo. Those things were the very best sort of care package to get when away from home.


Senior Member
I agree nothing beats home made.

Instead of using the halves of the pecan. My mom would do something different and grind hers up in a food processor.

my granny would too, she'd cover the top with the halves for looks.....she made one with chocolate filling and pecans that was awesome.....


Waffle House will throw a piece of pecan pie on the hot griddle with a slab of butter and a scoop of crushed ice and cover it with a lid for a minute.. mmm-mmm good :love:
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