What is the cause?


Senior Member
Opening morning I set up on a plot where turkeys frequent. Had one gobble @ 8:30.
Hit the call he gobbled back. 10 minutes later he hit it again and I did not respond as he was closer. He hit it 2 more times 15 minutes apart still coming. Saw him pop ou at 50 yds. He never came closer he walked around me in a circle that ranged from 50 to 200 yards hobbling every 10 - 15 minutes until a quarter to 12. Never got closer. I nay called softly and maybe once every 46 minutes or so.

I did have a jake and hen decoy out in the plot.

Another member said the same thing happened to him on the coweta piece of our club. I was In Meriwether. What was wrong and how do I get the bird?

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
Sounds like a subordinate bird that has had his tail whipped. I have also seen where there are a large number of jakes effect the gobbling. I would try a hen decoy and try to sound like at least 2 different hens when you call. Field turkey can teach a preacher to cuss . :banginghe .


Staff member
A turkey's goal in life isn't to get killed to make you happy. :)


Senior Member
Sounds like a subordinate bird that has had his tail whipped. I have also seen where there are a large number of jakes effect the gobbling. I would try a hen decoy and try to sound like at least 2 different hens when you call. Field turkey can teach a preacher to cuss . :banginghe .
I did use a glass pot, a slate pot and a box call.

Will try the single hen, thanks.


Senior Member
I've had em hang up when they see the decoys more times than I can count.
In nature the hens come to the gobbler not the other way around.

It seems without decoys when I call and they come, they keep coming while looking trying to find the hen.

I dont think Ive ever had a turkey hunt that went down "as seen on T.V." Ha Ha.
Good Luck


Senior Member
Ditch the decoys, set up in the woods and then post pictures
You assume success.
That is not a forgone conclusion where turkeys are concerned. I have been made a fool by one more than once.
If I follow Nic’s and antharper’s advice I will be doing exactly what you suggest.

I believe I may be related to Elmer Fudd where turkeys are concerned but pictures will be forthcoming should I be successful.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
You assume success.
That is not a forgone conclusion where turkeys are concerned. I have been made a fool by one more than once.
If I follow Nic’s and antharper’s advice I will be doing exactly what you suggest.

I believe I may be related to Elmer Fudd where turkeys are concerned but pictures will be forthcoming should I be successful.
Turkey’s have made every turkey hunter look like a fool , a lot !

Long Cut

Senior Member
Haha yup! We’re liable to be hunting the same birds, judging by the area you mention OP.

I’ve had better luck with decoys in the woods, facing towards me.


Senior Member
Haha yup! We’re liable to be hunting the same birds, judging by the area you mention OP.

I’ve had better luck with decoys in the woods, facing towards me.
One of the other members and his son went after him yesterday evening. He treated them the same as me. The son set up in the woods about 50 yds away.

Bird beat both of them. I did not go today, going to give them a break. Will go to the other side of the property tomorrow. I will be back on him before he week is out

Long Cut

Senior Member
One of the other members and his son went after him yesterday evening. He treated them the same as me. The son set up in the woods about 50 yds away.

Bird beat both of them. I did not go today, going to give them a break. Will go to the other side of the property tomorrow. I will be back on him before he week is out

They’ll make you go crazy, that’s for sure.

Went out this AM and heard no gobbles, so I did a 2 mile loop. Left my hen & Jake decoy setup in the food plot.
Came back to a Tom in full strut with hens 75 yards from my decoys. He wouldn’t respond to calls, nor would he gobble. I watched him for 45 minutes until they filtered away from me.

Cell cameras are great, because I was working around some creek bottoms and had Toms on cameras all around me… but none gobbled or presented themselves to me.

Sometimes they do what you want them to, other times they drive you insane!


Bigfoot friendly
It’s tough to ditch the decoys, UNLESS you’ve closed the deal without them. I personally have not. I use a gobbler and hen decoy almost all the time, but I ain’t very good at Turkey hunting. The number 1 thing for me is to have fun.

I did use a glass pot, a slate pot and a box call.

Will try the single hen, thanks.
The one thing missing from your list is scratching leaves. Maybe even slap your hat on the ground like a wing flap. Scratching leaves may be the best call out there……I’d definitely add that to my calling arsenal! Good luck man go gettem!


Senior Member
It’s tough to ditch the decoys, UNLESS you’ve closed the deal without them. I personally have not. I use a gobbler and hen decoy almost all the time, but I ain’t very good at Turkey hunting. The number 1 thing for me is to have fun.

The one thing missing from your list is scratching leaves. Maybe even slap your hat on the ground like a wing flap. Scratching leaves may be the best call out there……I’d definitely add that to my calling arsenal! Good luck man go gettem!
I did scratch the leaves. Got a gobble but no appearance.
I have got birds without decoys but usually use a jake and hen. Will definitely go without. Will check in on him later in the week. Don’t want to over pressure


Senior Member
I would call from a different area still within earshot of the bird. Even if it means walking out of the way. I hunted a bird from my backyard last year. I ran out of time the first morning and he saw me walking back to the house. On several occasions after that he was fired up. Would gobble at every call I made, but would never come to the spot that I spooked him from (which was about the only place I could hunt him from in my yard). Your mileage may vary, but I think they can associate certain areas with danger which may have been why he acted so weird towards the decoys