Hog killing, would you consider this unethical?


Senior Member
We killed 15 one week - so tell me we ain't had hog trouble on a p-nut farm in south GA!
WE ate some and gave the rest to some Mexicans that have done work for us - they were tickled to getm' -
People that say they don't have nobody to give them to ain't trying - PLAIN AND SIMPLE - a hog can be given away. Why would anybody want to waste one anyway?

big john h

Senior Member

Just like Steve Irwin used to kill EVERY SINGLE feral hog he came across in Australia there are VALID reasons for shooting/stabbing/running over/killing in any way possible every single pig you ever come across - I still think it's pretty lame to shoot one and leave it there. of course, the hog you saw could have been shot, run off and died there and not dumped.


Senior Member
i eat the meat so ya wont see me dumping one on the side of a dirtroad unless its full of worms :bounce: they got some good chops, roast's and ribs in um' :bounce:


Senior Member
It is plain wrong to dump a carcass on someone else. That includes their lands or a public roadway right of way. That's the only "un-ethical" part I see.

I personally try to use what I take. And pork sausage is good to me.

But, if you are trying to rid a property of pests you should be prepared to dispose of them. A big hole and loose dirt works very well.


Senior Member
no reason really...I've just never met a farmer who shared your opinion regarding wild hogs...its your opinion and I respect that...

probaly cause hes one of the few that understand that animals (not just hogs) have to eat...whatever they can...they aint just trying to be a pest and mess up everybodys crop...i dont blame anybody for wanting to shoot them for destroying their land but eat them...its the right thing to do.


I ain't against killing them - I am against wasting them.

gotcha...I'd always rather see any amimal get eatin' by folks rather than rot....but I really dont have an issue with folks doing whatever they want with hogs as long as they kill em....


Senior Member
Amazing at all the answers here.Just wonder how many have them eating in their yard and digging up the flowers at night?Like 7x57 said they are a varmint of the worst kind.When they are on your property and in your yard I would bet you would be glad to dispose of them any way possible.Besides,when we give one away down here the next question is "is it cleant yet".We kill everyone we see where ever we see them and leave them there most times.Fact is I understand Fort Benning has a 25.00 bounty for every pig tail brought in!

Just for the record I understand there is reported brucellosis in the feral herd of hogs.Need to check this out.

A lots of farmers down here have traps set and when hogs are caught they are shot there and hauled off to a gully on the farm!


Senior Member
Coyotes and crows are varmints as well, do you eat their meat when you shoot one. what about a bobcat or fox.

Hi-tech Redneck

Senior Member
i have never wasted one and would rather feed the less fortunate.
if the hog population goes to the point of infestation, and the number of hogs being killed are greater than the number of willing freezers/refrigerators, what do you do then?
What do you do when that infestation is threatening to your livelyhood (like a farmer)? and like previously stated, what do you do if rats infested your house? they carry disease and ultimately affect your livelyhood. Would you eat the rat?
It was not too smart or ethical to dump the hog. matter of fact i'm sure it is illegal. sure would made for some good coyote/bobcat bait. and if you don't hunt those, maybe it is one less fawn or turkey killed because they had an alternative food source...


Senior Member
I think it depends on the situation. If you can make use of the animal or give it away then do so.

I guess it is a whole lot easier to give deer away because there are so many processors. With hogs, either you or the person you give the hog to would have to take care of that part of it.

If I had a place that hog infestation was a problem to the point that I could not give away those I did not want, before I would shoot them and leave them in the woods, I would invite folks from this forum to hunt them between deer and turkey season. You probably would get a few takers.