Hog killing, would you consider this unethical?

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
before I would shoot them and leave them in the woods, I would invite folks from this forum to hunt them between deer and turkey season. You probably would get a few takers.

I plan on doing that. Up until two years ago we had no hogs. I never saw a hog or no signs of them. They started moving into our property last year and now they are everywhere. A fellow club member has a trail cam picture that has 30 hogs, grown ones and piglets, in one single picture !!!!!! I walked around scouting for acorns this morning and found where they'd been all in the creek rooting. Tracks all in the creek beds, you can't find a deer track for the hog tracks. What few red oak acorns are falling, they are devouring them before the deer get to them. I got one fellow already that came down and brought his dogs but we didn't get on one that morning for some reason. :huh:


Senior Member
hey, if someone has hogs down here along the coast let me know. I'll gladly fill my freezer.



Senior Member
I'd love a hog to smoke! There are people that can't afford to eat properly and would be thrilled with the meat. Must ministries is in Marietta. You could even possibly get a tax credit if just plain helpin people doesn't make you feel good enough. I wouldn't respect a person who just leaves an animal laying. Had one in my last club and he made me sick for years afterwards. Left an 8 pointer rotting in camp. Hog, deer or squirrel, if you are a hunter your father should have raised you better. Doesn't anyone watch Andy Griffith anymore?
P.S. any biologist would tell you the better protein a coyote has the more pups she'll have and the pups will be healthier and grow larger/faster. You wouldn't be helping the deer population at all, just helping their natural enemies.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
The problem with hogs, is that they are like redbugs. There`s no such thing as a few of em. They`re also like redbugs in the fact they are always funny.........when they`re on somebody else.

They do a tremendous amount of monetary damage to the crops that farmers down here rely on for their livin`. Plus, they`re not native to this country. They belong in a pen, fryin` pan, or grill.


Senior Member
It's all about TRUST when it comes to allowing hog doggers on your lease property. 1st there is the liability. Then there is the group of hog doggers that you give permission to one time and then they think that because you are not there, they can come and go as they please.. running their dogs anytime they want.... you know.. give them an inch and they take everything. no thanks
So just 1more all of us hog hunters are just like the ones that yall let hunt huh?So all of you florida boys are just like the ones that are just cutting out the backstraps and taking the hams off of a deer and then trowing them over a bridge i guess.Hog hunters get a bad rap due to a dog crossing on to someone elses land,yeah and my dogs cant read.If my dogs are bayed I go look for someone to see about going on that land but if I think they are on a bad hog and think it might get nasty then I go anyway.If you kill it at least be a sportsman and find someone that will eat it.Thats where I stand.


Senior Member
So just 1more all of us hog hunters are just like the ones that yall let hunt huh?So all of you florida boys are just like the ones that are just cutting out the backstraps and taking the hams off of a deer and then trowing them over a bridge i guess.Hog hunters get a bad rap due to a dog crossing on to someone elses land,yeah and my dogs cant read.If my dogs are bayed I go look for someone to see about going on that land but if I think they are on a bad hog and think it might get nasty then I go anyway.If you kill it at least be a sportsman and find someone that will eat it.Thats where I stand.



Senior Member
Here Is My Two Cents For What It Aint Worth. I Get To Hunt On Quite A Few Farms With Friends Who Have Permission. We Are There To Eradicate The Hogs. As Stated By Someone Before Most Of The Those Folks Do Not Allow Hogs To Leave Alive So We Have To Kill Them On The Spot. Now It Is 4 Am I Have 4 Dead Hogs A Couple Of Which Have Been Dead For Hours In The August Heat And You Expect Me To Go Search Out Someone To Take Them. Sorry But It Aint Feasible Plus When You Dont Catch In The Field It Can Be Near Impossible To Get A Hog Out Of Some Of The Places They Choose To Bay. These Farmers Dont Want A Bunch Of People Running Around Their Farm So They Only Allow Certain Parties On To Do They Job And If We Dont We Wont Be Invited Back. That Said I Try To Save As Many As Possible For Me, Friends And Marines On Base I Work.if There Were Licensed Processors Willing To Accept Them Whenever For A Hunters Feeding The Hungry Program If Might Be Different.i Think It Unethical To Do On Public Property But Not Private As They Are The Livestock Of The Property Owner.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Let`s keep this discussion about hogs, folks. Georgia vs Florida has nothin` to do with this conversation.


Senior Member
Hog are vermin, simple as that. Considering what they do to farmers, and our deer and turkey hunting They should be shot on sight!!! I keep a rifle in my truck nonstop for that very reason. If I can find someone to take a hog, then I will gladly let them have it, but not having someone who wants it is not going to stop me from killing them. Keep in mind that a hog, is not easy to get rid of. For one, alot of places that process that have to be USDA inspected ARE NOT suppose to clean feral hogs. For two once someone finds out how much it will cost, most will lose interest, then you have to account for most people that would take one aren't going to want to do it at the drop of a hat with no notice. Also you tell me what to do when I am riding by my best friends field, and there is 15 hogs rooting up his peanuts by the row. Now let's say they are far enough out in the field I can get five of them before they make it back to the woods. Just what am I gonna do with 5 hogs during the middle of the day when everyone is working? What is more unethical killing a varmint that is causing severe loss to a good friend, or leave the hogs there to continue the damage since no one wants to eat them? I will say this as far as farmers go. When its YOUR money and crops being devastated then you don't care who eats them. Most people have NO idea just how much these guys invest in a crop every year, and how much they stand to lose.


Senior Member
Hog are vermin, simple as that. Considering what they do to farmers, and our deer and turkey hunting They should be shot on sight!!! I keep a rifle in my truck nonstop for that very reason. If I can find someone to take a hog, then I will gladly let them have it, but not having someone who wants it is not going to stop me from killing them. Keep in mind that a hog, is not easy to get rid of. For one, alot of places that process that have to be USDA inspected ARE NOT suppose to clean feral hogs. For two once someone finds out how much it will cost, most will lose interest, then you have to account for most people that would take one aren't going to want to do it at the drop of a hat with no notice. Also you tell me what to do when I am riding by my best friends field, and there is 15 hogs rooting up his peanuts by the row. Now let's say they are far enough out in the field I can get five of them before they make it back to the woods. Just what am I gonna do with 5 hogs during the middle of the day when everyone is working? What is more unethical killing a varmint that is causing severe loss to a good friend, or leave the hogs there to continue the damage since no one wants to eat them? I will say this as far as farmers go. When its YOUR money and crops being devastated then you don't care who eats them. Most people have NO idea just how much these guys invest in a crop every year, and how much they stand to lose.
Like I told you before hammack, you get me some land over there to hunt hogs on with dogs and we will come.I dont think sticker,jack and blue would mind coming over your way.I still beleive that if you are gonna kill it atleast try to find some one that will eat it.

Just 1 More

Senior Member

YOU do not now and never will warrant a response from me.. I did not then, nor will I now name names on an open forum just to appease you..

sghoghunter.. I could care less how you feel about me or any Florida hunters..

Please try to understand what I wrote,,, IT'S ALL ABOUT TRUST.. and once that trust has been betrayed,, it's hard to trust anyone in the same grouping again. And yes.. I do believe most, if not all, hog doggers do tresspass as the dogs know no boundries


Senior Member
Ok...Easy guys......Lets get back on topic...If you want to do more, take it to PM.

Eddy M.

GONetwork Member
only thing I have killed and "dumped" was a wild dog that killed a cat of mine- if it can be consumed it is cleaned and processed even if I have to give it away


Senior Member
I wanna go hog hunting ivenever been and always been interested. Want to take one with a bow.

Same here. I'm waiting on the next Walkinshaw hunt. Guys, we all seem to agree that hogs need to be killed. They are tearing up our plots and costing us money to repair the damage. My club has not had hogs but one of my buddies said he saw hogs just the other day on our club. Why don't those of you who are having serious hog problems hold hog hunts in the off season like Woody? There are plenty of us who don't have the opportunity to hunt hogs but are interested in putting some pork in the freezer. I think you could find people willing to pay a small fee and sign a waiver for the chance to come hunt hogs. IMHO, this debate has reached the point where we are not accomplishing anything by trading insults. Why don't we work together to come up with a more effective solution?


Senior Member
Why don't those of you who are having serious hog problems hold hog hunts in the off season like Woody? There are plenty of us who don't have the opportunity to hunt hogs but are interested in putting some pork in the freezer. I think you could find people willing to pay a small fee and sign a waiver for the chance to come hunt hogs. IMHO, this debate has reached the point where we are not accomplishing anything by trading insults. Why don't we work together to come up with a more effective solution?

Trust me we shoot hogs ANYTIME we see them. All year long. My area, is not one of the more populated areas of hogs, and I personally do not have hogs on my own hunting land. However they are on neighboring farms, and the numbers are starting to grow. 10 years ago hogs were nonexistant here. If it was up to me I would invite people for an open season on them. The simple fact is as fast as hogs reproduce You can't hunt hogs and put a dent in the population. Alot more drastic measures will have to be taken, I believe, in the future if things keep going as they have been.

DYI hunting

Senior Member
I would rather see it eaten or given away. I was brought up that you don't hunt just to kill.

But looking at it from a farmer point of view, one pig can cost him thousands in crops over a growing season. Plus boars are known to kill fawns.

So I say shoot them all, then try to find someone who wants them (preferably before hand). If you cannot, then dumping them is okay I guess since they are a non-native species and destroying native species and cropland.


Senior Member
I have no problem dumping them.
I have no idea what yote tastes like but I do like hog.
I can see the logistics handling of 3-4 dead hogs in august.
I feel secure in saying there ain't a town in Ga that has a section of town where a free hog won't be dragged out of your truck by folk in their church clothes w/ many thanks.
Conditions change for dealing with a hog.
One condition that will not change will be a shortage of folks willing to dish out shame for something. Shame is taught(or not) by your parents, not a bunch of highbrow hunters and lawmakers.

Rob and HD when it cools off some more give me a shout and we can head to the islands for the porkers.