Having a perfectly tuned bow! Over rated?

Grey Man

Senior Member
This is one of those things that will help if you want to go the extra mile, but isn't critical. You can plug a deer just fine without a perfectly tuned bow. However, if you put in the extra time, you'll plug it better and from farther away. It's all about how much time you're willing to put in.

Great pics with the barstool and ladder, I'm gonna try those and see how my arrows fly.


Update.....I have both the drenalin and the allegiance shooting bullet holes from ten feet. Dren took a bit of rest right, the ally took a bit of rest lower....no worries.
I have been shooting for over 20 years, about 16 of those serious shooting, and my nephew, who is 25, and can play you know what with an M16 or Glock, has been shooting a bow for about 6 months, shot perfect bullet holes every time with no adjustments.