ideas for hunting shack


Senior Member
a roll of poly that you use to put under homes $100.00, cut 3 saplings and one roll of twine $3.00. find 4 trees such as pines and wrap em with poly. tie on sappling high to serve as ridge of roof. tie other 2 to pines for each end of roof. yes even you too can be a redneck in a redneck shack for the low low price of $103.00 and still have enough left over for a complete rebuild after the first good wind storm of the season!!! don't laugh I have seen this done on 2 different wmas!!! a good portable storage building works great.

we used to hunt near a club around Sparta that had an awesome plastic / poly building, looked like the club was using it as their kitchen or living room. Had around a 10 ft ceiling and about 15 or 20 ft across.

7Mag Hunter

Senior Member
If you don't own the property, check with the land owner first. They may not allow any permanent or semi-permanent structure on the property. Corporate land owners in particular have some strict rules sometimes. If you own the property, then the budget is the limit...unless the county you hunt has their own ideas.

Plum Creek has specific rules about "structures"...Better
check before you build something, unless you own the