#425 Drivelers have the right name

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Cap`n Jack 1313
Reminds me of the time I left my truck window down at a girls house.
I got ready to leave and opened the door and rolled the window up before getting in.
It was late, dark. When I sat down and slammed that door the whole world exploded with pain, blood, fur and commotion.
Apparently a stray cat had decided it would be a nice place for a nap.
I was glad to leave that vehicle. That sucker made 15 laps around before I could get out.
Been there.. done that! Cept it weren't a stray, just one of my wife's "barn cats" sleep'n on the "hump" with his tail across the driver side floorboard. I gladly "gave that cat the truck" after I stepped on his tail jump'n in.


Senior Member
Been there.. done that! Cept it weren't a stray, just one of my wife's "barn cats" sleep'n on the "hump" with his tail across the driver side floorboard. I gladly "gave that cat the truck" after I stepped on his tail jump'n in.
I didn't know what had me but I knew I had to get away from it.
Give me a pit bull over a p o'd cat any day.
Cat got too many weapons. I had one with both hands once and thought I had her. Nope.
That's another story.


Cap`n Jack 1313
I didn't know what had me but I knew I had to get away from it.
Give me a pit bull over a p o'd cat any day.
Cat got too many weapons. I had one with both hands once and thought I had her. Nope.
That's another story.
Wife also had 3 inside cats... one was a 28lb. diabetic Blue Russian that hated me with a passion. It would sleep on top of my chifferobe till I came to bed, just about the time I'd doze off that fool would leap.. landing right on my..er..well.. you get the idea, then curl up around her head. When we went on our honeymoon I got one of my best friends to stay at the house and take care of ALL of our animals, gave him all of the instructions on who got fed what and when... forgot to tell him about the "man hater". 1st night he hangs at the local bar drink'n red snappers (Crown & cran-berry juice) till closing then come to the house and plops down on my full motion water bed (did I mention he was 6'-8" and weighed over 400lbs?).. the rest is in his words: "Bout the time the world quit rock'n back an forth... this panther.. scream'n like a banshee fell off the ceiling and into by.. er.. We chased each other around the room about nine times till I finally found the door. I've slept on the couch the last two weeks."


Senior Member
The cat I tried to subdue happened right after I got married.
Our nearest neighbor was about a mile away down the dirt road.
Old family farm, old, unused chicken houses, barns, etc. He had a yard full of cats and offered to give us one.
When we got there he threw out some scraps and pointed out two kittens. He said them two's brothers why don't you get them. They were wild as the dickens but I caught em and got em in the truck.
When I got back around there he said that's the mama, might as well get her too. I didn't want three cats but somehow I got talked into it.
I waited until she was eating and slipped up and dove on her. It was touch and go for a minute but I finally got both back feet in one hand and both front ones in the other. I was squeezing tight too!
I said ok I got you now. Then she bit my thumb, not gentle like but real rough. I felt teeth hit bone but held on. I mean what else could she do now??
Well, she did something I hadn't calculated on. She turned loose and bit me again.
I aint seen her since. Good riddance.
Couldn't wiggle that thumb for nigh on a year.
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