A little history for the newbies


Senior Member
Great read especially as i am about to head North. Thankfully, technology should help diminish the chances of getting caught out in that now.......as long as you listen to the warnings!!

The Flying Duckman

Senior Member
Read the book "All CensoredCensoredCensoredCensored Broke Loose". Lots of heroic stories and lots of sad stories about the Armistice Day Blizzard of 1940. The other good read is "Wings in the Wind".


Senior Member
I’ve read about that day before. That was one heck of a storm and a lot of people besides duck hunters lost their lives. We make fun of modern weather forecasters now but it would’ve been a different outcome had the science been more advanced then. It would have been a heck of a hunt if you knew what was coming and were prepared for it. Imagine every single duck moving ahead of the front at the same time.


Senior Member
I’ve been wet and hypothermic from getting wet duck hunting but was able to make back to my truck and crank it. It was a close call. The main thing I remember is how hard it was to get my hands to work enough to get the keys out of my pocket and into the ignition then feeling like I would never be warm again. What those hunters experienced and died in or survived is so far beyond what I experienced I don’t know how they did it, it’s a miracle any of them survived that didn’t bail out before it got too bad. I’m a lot better prepared now days but not for something like that storm. It kind of reminds me of the March 1993 storm because we were fishing down at lake Seminole and didn’t know it was coming. We figured it out though. In the middle of the night when the trees started falling all around and it was snowing sideways we knew something serious was happening. That’s a long drive pulling a bass boat in a foot of snow back to Durwoody.