An Unexpected Response


Senior Member
I have noticed that as my married life once again progresses, my wife often does not have the same reaction to certain situations that I may have. I often find her responses unexpected and differing from mine. For example:

1. Honey, I just found these boss jean shorts in the storage unit. I used to LOVE these back in the early 90s. Don't they look cool?

2. Baby, hold on to your seat. You're not going to believe this! Animal Planet is running an all day marathon of River Monsters this Saturday!

3. Sweety, I bought us a bass boat!

4. Today's special had banana pudding AND pie on the menu! I couldn't decide on which one so I had them both!

5. Guess what? I'm three hours late because I found this terrific new fishing spot. This will give you even more time to get to know my kids.

6. You'd be proud of me. Instead of buying that mini van we were looking at, I scored us a sweet deal on this classic Triumph. The guy's even towing it over here for us now!

7. That's right! For your birthday, I got you the new Abu Garcia Revo SX on a 7.5 foot G. Loomis medium heavy. It's the same color as the vacuum cleaner I got you for our anniversary! They match!

8. Good morning! Good news! We caught a ton of fish last night. They kept biting until just a while ago. I left them in the cooler for you to clean while I catch up on some zzzs.

9. Honey, drop what you're doing, all fishing gear at Academy Sports is 10% off today!

10. Check this out! This girl I used to date after high school still works at Hooters. I just accepted her friend request.

OK., so not all of these happened in MY marriage. But you get the drift. The blue jeans shorts story is true. In fact, I set off on a fishing trip this weekend with my fashion conscious homies to prove that the blue jean shorts were still fashionably acceptable and could even bring us luck. Nathan is my most fashionable child. He has set fashion fishwear trends all over the South and continues to be on the cutting edge of fishing fashion.

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

Not to be outdone are Jackson and his friend.

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

Bass stalkers. Unfortunately, we were visited by only one small bass yesterday evening. We weren't skunked, but we didn't exactly set the lake on fire either. Nathan and I did visit an osprey and her newborn nesting on a pole in the middle of the lake.

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

All in all, it was a great trip; just no big fish and no numbers. My credibility as an advocate for the return of blue jean shorts to the fashion world had taken a serious blow.

Undaunted, I donned the same pair of jean shorts this morning to hit the farm pond early before work. As I left to take the kids to school, Jackson even pointed out to my new wife that I was wearing the shorts again. "I noticed", she muttered. Then, ever so softly, I thought I heard the word "NERD" come out of her mouth.

NERD! How dare she! That was it! I didn't spend four years in the high school band playing trombone to have my own wife call me a ner.....wait a minute....I better use another analogy. I didn't spend hundreds of dollars on fishing gear and don my new favorite pair of lucky jean shorts to be called a nerd! I stormed out of the house with my shorts firmly attached to my lower half. I would prove that these were lucky shorts and re-establish blue jean shorts as a fashion statement for all fishermen scared to put on their favorite pair of shorts for fear of ridicule by their significant others....and the rest of society. (Allen raises his fist and bows his head ala John Carlos during the 1968 Olympics "black power salute")

Well....Well....Well....Who's laughing now Ms. New York fashion queen that I married?

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

So gentleman. Do not throw away that underwear. Find that stinky old sweatshirt or t-shirt that your wife has hidden. Proudly place those old pair of gym shorts back in your dresser next to the bell bottom jeans. I have officially opened the fashion door for us all!

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From My Wife's Favorite Shorts</td></tr></table>

As always, my hair remained outstanding.
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Senior Member
that is awesome stuff!


Senior Member
Apparently the key words were "storage shed". Once the wife relagates them to the "storage shed" they have officially been retired. Lesson learned.


Senior Member
The lesson learned is hers. My liberated lucky shorts will now accompany me on every fishing trip. Too bad I can't wear them in the courtroom....

Cletus T.

Senior Member
Man J Lawson…..I just love your writing…..I really…really do! Awesome story as always and I love the dark color on that bass……nice dark color on those blue jean shorts too!!!!

When you hair remains outstanding while fishing that’s what I like to call a “win-win”


Senior Member
women go crazy for a sharp dressed man


Senior Member
Jorts are the only way to roll! You mix a lucky pair of jorts and a sweet trucker stash and your gonna fill the boat!


Senior Member
Funny stuff! The dark denim really accents your skin tone. :) Also really loving those Jackson kayaks.

Chuckleberry FIN

Senior Member
Denim shorts

When did denim shorts go out of style ? I still buy a pair every other year. Of course, perhaps my fashion sense is why my daughters don't invite many of their friends over to the house.

My favorite shorts of all time were a converted pair of overalls that were cut off just above the knee. Now that was a fashion statement !

I miss them. They were certainly handy for work or fishing. Had pockets for hooks, sinkers, chewing tobacco, worms (real or plastic ones), and pliers. Man I miss them.


Senior Member
That's what I'm sayin' Chuck! When did jorts go out of style? I thought jorts were something that couldn't possibly go out of fanny packs. I guess you know you're getting older my friend when the fashion trends come and go and you have no idea.


Thanks for the laughs. You are a hoot. I particularly enjoyed the trip back in fashions and item #7. Still chuckling.....


Senior Member
i'd sure like to see some of her responses to your list of 10. only if they won't get you banned though. :yeah:

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