Biblical Fatherhood- The Myth of Quality Time


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)


Well that was short and to the point...and extremely practical. And sober. Thank you.

A couple of things jumped out in addition to practices privileges are maintained (at about the 5 min to 5:21 mark) and how "most teens will actually think you are bluffing until you bring these consequences". The administration of consequences is important though, isn't it? A father who in word says "this is important" but fails to enter the responsibility of demonstrating their importance by administration of consequences if their importance is ignored...would be what? A liar? A hypocrite?

Unless he's willing to enter that place of not being deterred from them by what he may think the child might think of him temporarily (among other matters)...he's a poor father/parent indeed.

And perhaps most especially if he did know the consequence of knowing consequences...but withholding such, one might even say he was hating his kids, if that were so.

How else would the child would learn they truly are important? And not just mere and empty advisories?

Another gem was fathers who take their diversions (hobbies, etc) as a time of "relief" from parental duties are in need of repentance.

There are wonderful (and great) spiritual lessons in what you give in doubt in part precisely because you have learned/been shown/ had demonstrated to you that such things by practice you have found endorsed and confirmed by a stronger hand...not mere theories or empty "words".

How does a Father show his words are not empty? Some may wonder if he's really there. Or here. Even.

I'll guess there were times your children wholeheartedly believed you were not their "buddy"...but Imma also suppose that if need be and now called upon to give some account of you...they might not be as temperate as you appear in suffering any vilification and/or mocking of you.

They might even speak truth and truths about you and "your ways" others could hardly bear by the testimony of their lives. And your commitment. And whatever other steadfastness the Lord has worked in you. You may appear an easy target...but something else might happen if someone thought they could leverage your pups in grabbing them by the ears.

And God forbid I speak overmuch of your wife showing up on here in "real time" and her guitar. Though I do love me some Keith Green. The only thing keeping her from it is the mercy of God that some not be totally lost to shame. Lionesses are very adept at handling hyenas and jackals. The lil nippers. They don't fear doing "the light work".

I'm persuaded those who in spite might only find your singing a mockable "bark" ...may less like the bite.

But here's the matter by which even she wouldn't have to sully her jaws...there's already a witness able to do Light work. And he keeps us clean in it.

It's cool what works. Finer yet the Who, who does all work. Your recommendation to first seeing "all in" (or not) of Fatherhood and the effect it must rightly have; and repentance provided for what either refuses to or fails to not lost on me.

Thank you, brother...and bless you.

Would you mind if I let some of your instructions and observations guide me? Even perhaps to a thread "Why teens are inclined to think consequences are a bluff?"

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Senior Member
A couple of things jumped out in addition to practices privileges are maintained (at about the 5 min to 5:21 mark) and how "most teens will actually think you are bluffing until you bring these consequences". The administration of consequences is important though, isn't it? A father who in word says "this is important" but fails to enter the responsibility of demonstrating their importance by administration of consequences if their importance is ignored...would be what? A liar? A hypocrite?

Would you mind if I let some of your instructions and observations guide me? Even perhaps to a thread "Why teens are inclined to think consequences are a bluff?"

Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. I'd appreciate hearing your further thoughts on a thread of that nature. In my years as a classroom teacher, I observed that the absence of boundaries (and the lack of consequences is really a lack of boundaries) was really the greatest lack in our hope of forming teens into adults of character. Where we place the boundaries is of secondary importance. Boundaries and consequences is really the bigger issue.

This is the Keith Green song that had done the most in my life. You see, I took it seriously when I said before God, "No empty words, no white lies, no token prayers, no compromise."



Senior Member
This one is not an example of great artistry, but in keeping with the topic of this thread, it is a nice example of daddy-daughter time. Poetry was a big part of our home school English curriculum, and we put a few of the classic poems to music for our daughter to sing. Rules and consequences are dead without art and beauty.



Bless you brother! And all with you.

Both for Keith's song and your daughter's...for they are the same token prayers, no compromise...did He who made the Lamb, make thee? (Tiger)

There's something born of forgings...yet made willing to be pliable...handle-able, touchable, to even the extreme of appearing...ignoble. Even...kill-able. Disposable.

Thanks be to God for the removal of all shame! And that by the One willing to bear it all, yet not of some naivete. He bore...what He knew to be despised.

And by that removal has delivered from appearances of seems into sight.

Men may cry for the church to be seen; to others, she is.

This shaking of all things is to an end...even to that which is unshakable.

I am thoroughly encouraged by your part in her for the revelation of her Head.

No token prayers, no compromise.

I know you must know this...but I am too delighted to be reminded to not share:


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