Catfish Reaper Charters Catfish Tourney - Oconee (July 30th)

Hawk Pride

Senior Member
I'm over the encounter lol but some people "j_seph" can't let me forget :rofl:

You should come on down and meet us anyway. Yah might even have someone let you fish with them.

I thought about that BUT...I have to admit:O.. as soon as my other boss (my wife) found out that I wasn't scheduled at work...She put me on a double shift here at the house.:cry:


Senior Member
I told him we should have fish that hole!!!! LOL We didn't make it that far Flip...

What :huh:, the Sultan teaches me what he said was one of his most prductive spots and doesn't fish it:crazy:.

Oh well, I guess he has been into that Reaper bait again, one of the side effects must be short term memory loss.

Who won, inquiring minds want to know?