Do you support the stand of the NRA?

Do you support the NRA's stand on gun rights?

  • Yes, I support the NRA's stand on gun rights

    Votes: 38 90.5%
  • No, I do not support the NRA's stand on gun rights

    Votes: 4 9.5%

  • Total voters

Arrow Flinger

"Kerry like most Americans do not support the stand of the NRA...most gun owners and hunters do not support the NRA..because the NRA represents ideas that are contrary to what the vast majority of Gun owners and hunters beleive in in this country. Not supporting the NRA is in line with the vast majorityy of gun owners and hunters in this country...most of us do not support the NRA and its agenda."

This is a quote from another thread and I was wondering how accurate it is.


Senior Member
I may not be in line 100% with the NRA but I am confident that a majority of gun owners are closer to the NRA's stance than Kerry's stance.


Senior Member
The vast majority of their positions. The harder the gun control lobby works, the more of the NRA's positions I accept. ;)
Agree with them completely, 50% or 10%, they are the sole EFFECTIVE lobbying voice for gun owners.
Hunt/fish safely,


Agree...enough to be a long-term member. Will continue to be. One may argue that hunting and the NRA have nothing to do with each other. Well, as long as you want to hunt with a gun, it does. And the NRA has done more to help hunting than any other organization. I see nothing wrong the NRA's stance. They are the only real voice we have in Washington to protect private gun ownership in the U.S. Is gun ownership the only reason to vote for a candidate-of course not. But it is an important issue...just ask Canadians, Englishmen, and just about every "citizen" of a third world country.

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Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
Jeff Young said:
The NRA is far too liberal.
Jeff :bounce: :bounce: :clap:
I am a long term member of the NRA. It's the only voice in Washington speaking for gun owners. If it wasn't for the NRA our gun ownership rights would of evaporated long ago.


Senior Member
I'm for the NRA and not for kerry.... :whip:


Im sure not for kerry but the NRA did me wrong in the past and sent dirty letters threatening to take my dog kids wife and mess up my credit and so on you know the letter because of a mistake they made and did not correct they tried to blame me so i told them to keep there magazine and dont call me again.


Senior Member
My question is what are the two "do not support the stand of the NRA" people doing on a hunting website??


Roosevelt Ranger

The NRA is not the only voice I have in Washington.

I have my own voice and I use it on a regular basis.

There are certain aspects of the NRA that I do support.

However, when it comes to gun control laws, they have sold out the 2nd amendment time after time. They are quick to make agreements with liberal politicians, compromising our rights and then shout to their membership what a great job they've done for us.

As far as I'm concerned, the 2nd amendment empowers me to own any type of firearm made without restriction. The NRA has agreed with compromise laws time after time after time.

Eddy M.

GONetwork Member
I am a NRA BENAFACTOR MEMBER and support their views but there are other good groups in Washington : Second admendment foundation, Citizens comittee for the right to keep and bear arms, Gun owners of America and a couple I can't recall right now so if the NRA has ticked you off join another group and take a stand while you can eddy
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Lead Poison

Senior Member




Senior Member
Jeff Young said:

The NRA is not the only voice I have in Washington.

I have my own voice and I use it on a regular basis.

There are certain aspects of the NRA that I do support.

However, when it comes to gun control laws, they have sold out the 2nd amendment time after time. They are quick to make agreements with liberal politicians, compromising our rights and then shout to their membership what a great job they've done for us.

As far as I'm concerned, the 2nd amendment empowers me to own any type of firearm made without restriction. The NRA has agreed with compromise laws time after time after time.

I am one of those NO votes and Jeff did a pretty good job of summing it up for me, too.

I don't appreciate tying my gun rights to hunting, as if that's the only justifiable purpose for having the right to own a firearm.

Why do I have the right own and use firearms:

1) The Constitution
2) Self-Protection
3) Protection of property
4) Defense of My Country (even against its own Government)

Notice hunting isn't in the list. If I can't have it for one of those four, then I don't need it for hunting.

The NRA does not speak for me; I am my own voice on this matter.


I agree with what both John and Jeff have said. The constitution is clear. The second amendment is there in order to guarntee a free state. The people must have the ability to oppose an unlawful or oppressive government. The mere thought of every citizen in the US being armed is as much if not more of a deterrent against someone the likes of Sadman Insane as a nuclear weapon.

That said, I do support the NRA. They may not get it completely right, but at least they are the organizaion attempting to save the second amendment from those who want to save the world, but do not have an idea of how it works.

As far as this new hunting organization the NRA is trying to get me to join goes. Absolutely not. I belong to the RMEF, DU, BASS Federation, and NWTF. The NRA is not my choice organization to protect wildlife or hunting.


Chuck C

Senior Member
An armed society is a polite society....

Read it on a bumper sticker once.

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