duck yak tips


Anybody have any suggestions for yaks suitable for winter time. I am doing some waterfowl sampling in various rivers/streams in north ga and need some advice on combatting the elements and brands of good kayaks for this. I have little experience in a kayak, so I want to gain some experience before it gets cold.


Shutter Mushin' Mod
if there is not much rapids, my commander would be a flat out awesome duck hunting boat. especially sitting in the captains perch. if there is a few rapids, the coosa in camo would be an awesome hunting boat. that being saind, cold weather and water safety should be as important as your firearm safety on the water. both can kill you quick if ya take em for granted !!!


Shutter Mushin' Mod
i disagree with sit inside. if i was hunting of fishing in the winter , i would be wearing waders under my pfd anyway. i like sit insides , but only for paddling . they are not the best option for fishing or hunting .


Senior Member
Jackson Daytripper or Coosa. The seat lays completely flat inside the boat and makes an awesome layout boat.

On the coosa if you put two pieces of PVC in the rod holders and run a line to the front handle, hang your blind material and you can close it like a curtain. If you lean the seat back just a bit your pretty covered.

The DayTripper has a skirt available that covers the cockpit. Throw a bit of camo on it to break it up lean the seat back and you look like a log. The boat has rounded lines, break it up just a little and blend right in.

You can get the tripper in Camo for $50 extra. 6-12 decoys fit behind the seat and keep the lines outta the way.

PM if you want to see the camo

Wishin I was Fishin

Senior Member
I'll be hunting out of a Tarpon 120. That's a SOT, but I will most definitely be wearing waders which will keep me dry and warm. Don't rush a decision and get something that you won't like but i'd do it in a quick fashion so that you can get your boat and get into the water and get used it and figure out what it will and won't do and practice deep water re-entry while the water is still warm enough to tolerate.


Senior Member
Here's how Jackson Kayak Pro Ben Adrien Outfits his Coosa for duck hunting.

Many others can be outfitted this way. One big question is... are you bringing a dog? If so you'll definitely want to go the way of a WS Commander, Native Ultimate, Oldtown Pack or some other solo canoe.


I am mostly going to take pics. I will not be taking a dog. I thought about buying the cheapest thing I could find and camo it up with paint/brush.


wow! just looked at some of the above mentioned models and man i'm seeing four figures. I really like the jackson kayak coosa but man I could not give/ come up with that kind of money right now. I'm not much up on kayaks, but I thought I could find something under $200. Guess I am wrong on that! I may have to rethink my plans to obtain a kayak this year. Is there much of a market for used kayaks out there. I've been a jonboat guy all my life and went kayaking for the first time this summer. I had a blast and it sparked my interest to go look at wetland areas that I can't get a jonboat to.
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Shutter Mushin' Mod
there is a market for used boats. but if you are going to be doing photography from one, you need to be a bit picky about what you choose. i shoot my camera regularly from my kayak and have learned a little bit in the process. if you check my profile, my website has a travel gallery that has flint river and okefenokee pics in it. all these were shot from my kayak.


Senior Member
sportsman by old town - $350 at Dicks


Senior Member
I use an Old Town Loon 12'. What ever you get do some shooting out of it (in warm shallow water), would not suggest to many broad sides the water is cold during duck season:D