Finally, Some Good News For A Change...


King Casanova
The Augusta National Golf Club must have known that I was having a bad day today so they sent me an email advising that I WOULD get 4 tickets to next April's Masters Golf Tournament.

My Daughter, Son-in-law, and Colonel Fred from Statesboro and also I will be Happy, Happy, Happy now !!!

I originally had them for April 2020 BUT that Event was cancelled due to Covid so they were offered for next April instead.

Hopefully, some of you might be getting an email as well with good news.


Staff member
Awesome! I've been there a couple times - always a great experience!


Senior Member
Eat a pimento cheese sandwich for me.:biggrin3:


Slow Mod
Staff member
Congratulations, I got my usual "sorry try again next time" email.


Senior Member
Can you move around or do ya have to stay at one hole ?


mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Congrats EE. That' is sure enough good news!


Senior Member
Congrats on getting tickets!!!!!

Spoiled as my family has had tickets going back to the 60's. Story goes that my mom sometime in the early 60's when she was a student at Agnes Scott in Atlanta decided she wanted to go see the tournament. She did not play golf but took a bus from Atlanta to Augusta as she didn't have a car, fell in love with the place and the experience, signed up to get tickets when it was easy to get tickets and we have been getting them ever since. I've lost track how many times I've been. Haven't gone down in a few years and I honestly just as soon watch it on tv these days but of all the places I've been in my life it may be the most special.

Most importantly if you do enjoy adult beverages spend some time between now and next spring practicing carrying MULTIPLE dixie cups filled to the brim in one hand with 3 sandwiches (2 pimento, 1 egg salad), a snickers bar, potato chips and an ice cream bar in the other hand over a distance of several hundred yards. Really important to minimize spillage and trips to the food tents!!


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
I gave up after about 10 years of trying. Have been to practice 3 times, though, courtesy of some of my vendors. Special place, is correct.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
It's good to know the right folks :bounce: Love going there
Got that right. I was invited 2 times while at my 19 year job back in the day. Had to turn it down. My bestest friend has invited me twice. Had to turn the 1st invite down on a counta H22 couldn't get off work. She invited me again knowing H22 was laid off. We WENT! :banana: Experience like no other in the whole wide world of sports. :bounce::bounce:
Kinda wish I could go to practice rounds so I could carry a camera. Can't do that at the real deal unless you're sporting a green jacket.

Head East

Senior Member
Congrats on the tickets EE! We always enjoy sitting at 16 and watching the play on the green at 15 and all of 16.

SBM got tickets to the ANWA tournament today. Asked me if i wanted to go. Said nah. Asked her… when the women play; Who makes the sammiches?

She was not pleased.

Anyway, shes going with daughter #4 next April.

My fav is the egg salad sammiches.


Senior Member

I got a big fat NO


King Casanova
There is nothing like being there and having photos of the action that day as Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player played their LAST ROUND of golf together !!!

These memories will last forever in our hearts of golf fans.

My Daughter and Son-in-law were with me that day as my Daughter took these photos as she is the real photographer in my family.

(ps: If you click on each photo, it will make it full screen and you can so much more details. Then just click again on each photo and it goes back to normal size.)



King Casanova
Now for the departure of these three gentlemen as they walked up the fairway as the crowd LOVED every second of it !!!!

I saved the last photo as a real tribute for Arnold Palmer as he has truly walked off into the sunset. He may be gone BUT he will NEVER be forgotten.

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Senior Member
Been there once. The grounds are sight to see but that was enough for me. Ive had the opportunity to go several times but there are far too many people there for my taste.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
GREAT photos EE. Thanks for sharing.


Senior Member
Yep, the crowds are one of the main reason I've cut back on my visits. With the exception of a visit to the driving range, I typically head straight to the top of the stands on 15 early, hours before the first group arrives with some good reading material and wait and then enjoy the action on 15 and 16 for the entire day. When I was a kid before they blocked off the top rows of the stands on 15 it was great because you could literally get in the VERY top right of the stands on 15, see the action on 15 green and the look over the rail down on 16 tee box.

Anybody remember parking in the lot where the driving range is now? Remember those Patron parking passes that were required to get in that parking lot? Place sure has changed over the years! Some good, some not so good!