Thunder Head

Gone but not forgotten
I didn't really look at the temp yesterday afternoon. The wind had a serious bite to it while I was working on the firewood.

It was around 30 when I took the dog for a stroll in Toccoa this morning.

They have always explained away severe cold snaps. They fall under climate change causes unstable weather. Which can cause wild swings in temperature and more severe weather.


Senior Member
Happens every time it gets cold.
"there aint no global warming its 5F"
Mean time its 115F in Australia or 100+ in South America etc.
Do I believe in Global warming. I don't know.
But I'm tired of hearing this stupid argument every time it gets cold.
What will you say this summer when/if we have a hot summer with 30+days aver 100F? Other than "Dang its HOT!"


The climate is constantly changing. “Global warming” was just propaganda for the gullible. Read up on some of the “coming doom” predictions of the past.

In the 70s they said the Mississippi was drying up, then in the 1990s when the Mississippi about turned several states into a giant lake they said it was rising out of control. Looking back at temperature history in my home town there was a stretch of 6 months in 1942 with not a drop of rain, 6 months in La without rain! There where “scientists” in the 70s that claimed we were headed for another ice age, they had all kinds of charts and graphs to prove it. Some of these same “scientists” where at the forefront of the “global warming” fad.

The new “climate change” phrase is a catch all for whatever happens.

What I think is stupid, is some of these explanations. Read one yesterday the “expert” said the reason it was colder in Indiana than Anchorage that morning, was because the warm air drifted north and forced the cold air down here? So if that theory is right wouldn’t it take care of itself? Same thing with polar ice caps melting, they say the sea is warming which will melt ice, which will cool the water which will cause more ice?

I’m just wondering how all this is effecting them poor polar bears, seems like they should be set on ice and snow for awile? And what ever happened to them killer bees in the 1980s? I remember them maps they used to flash on the news when I was a kid, they had me convinced we was gonna be gonners by 1986 ?


Senior Member
The climate is constantly changing. “Global warming” was just propaganda for the gullible. Read up on some of the “coming doom” predictions of the past.

In the 70s they said the Mississippi was drying up, then in the 1990s when the Mississippi about turned several states into a giant lake they said it was rising out of control. Looking back at temperature history in my home town there was a stretch of 6 months in 1942 with not a drop of rain, 6 months in La without rain! There where “scientists” in the 70s that claimed we were headed for another ice age, they had all kinds of charts and graphs to prove it. Some of these same “scientists” where at the forefront of the “global warming” fad.

The new “climate change” phrase is a catch all for whatever happens.

What I think is stupid, is some of these explanations. Read one yesterday the “expert” said the reason it was colder in Indiana than Anchorage that morning, was because the warm air drifted north and forced the cold air down here? So if that theory is right wouldn’t it take care of itself? Same thing with polar ice caps melting, they say the sea is warming which will melt ice, which will cool the water which will cause more ice?

I’m just wondering how all this is effecting them poor polar bears, seems like they should be set on ice and snow for awile? And what ever happened to them killer bees in the 1980s? I remember them maps they used to flash on the news when I was a kid, they had me convinced we was gonna be gonners by 1986 ?
i think if they waste, um um i mean spend a few billion more dollars on research they can figure it out !!!!


Senior Member
Live in Asheville NC here. My plant closed down at 8pm due to the ice storm warning . They didn't want a bunch of us leaving work when it started and ending up in the ditch ....So they closed before it started


Bigfoot friendly
When I was in middle school I was promised the Ice Age was coming again......I grew up in Florida and was hopeful it would happen in my lifetime. They lied then and they are still lying. Problem is so many bought into and really believe this nonsense.

Thunder Head

Gone but not forgotten
All you have to do is look at the temp records. Are we in a warming period? Yes

The cause and effect is whats debatable.

Are humans having an effect on the environment with our billions of cars. Of course we are. How much is debatable.

They really screwed up when they said the ice caps were going to melt in a couple of years. It didn't happen.


Senior Member
The climate change gloom & doomers must have a bunch of Dr. Fauci clones working there. :LOL: Anyway the real truth is earth is currently between ice ages. The next one is supposed to start in 50,000 years or so. A good portion of the earth will be buried under ice and the sea levels will drop. Humans (and proto-humans) dealt with drastic climate changes before, with the last ice age not ending until 10,000 years ago.
Our climate is always changing and we either adapt or die.