Goodbye Old Friend.

Meriwether Mike

Senior Member
Sorry to hear of this. Leo sounded he was a like a great companion.


Staff member
Sorry to hear your family lost your old friend. It’s one of the tougher things in life.


Student at the Hard Knock School of Aerodynamics
Sorry for your loss 4hand. Great looking shepherd. We've got a 13.5 yo lab mix on her last legs. Hoping the good Lord will take her on her own before we have to make that awful decision.


Management Material
Well, we finally put our 12 year old Sheppard down this evening. Euthanized him.
Just tired of seeing him suffer. He could no longer stand up & had lost a lot of weight. It was time.
I'll never have another dog as good as old Leo.
So smart, protective & faithful.
He died peacefully with the dignity he had earned.
Leo, you are sorely missed.
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Condolences to your family


Miss Moderator Ma Hen
Staff member
What a beautiful furbaby! Sorry for your loss, ain't nothing like having to put one down, I held my "Chevy" for a bit after her last breath, hated to let her go.


Slow Mod
Staff member
I am sorry for your family's loss. That is about the toughest thing one can go through with a good dog but it's a part of the price we must pay for the pleasure they dogs bring into our lives. Be assured that you did the right thing by him.


Useles Billy’s Uncle StepDaddy.
We had to put our golden down Dec 2022. I cooked her a ribeye the night before.

I was ok for the occasion but when my wife laid on the floor and hugged her for her last minutes on earth was awful. I went home and went upstairs and cried like a 2 year old.

Thinking of yall


Senior Member
You did what a responsible dog owner must do.

Leo was brave for your returned the bravery and did the right thing for him, as hard as it was to do.

I am sorry for your family's loss.


Senior Member
I am truly sorry for your loss as I've been there myself and know how hard it can be to let go of an old friend.


Senior Member
Tuesday was a bad day for both of us, buddy. I had scheduled the vet to come out to put down my 13 yr old lab that morning but when I walked outside he was already gone. It’s never easy when they get in that way, makes you feel almost helpless. You did right by your friend though, he definitely appreciates it. Hope you and your family find peace.


Senior Member
I have only had 1 dog in my 65 years that I was very close to. He got hit by a car and there was nothing the vets could do for him. I cried over loosing him for weeks ! His ashes are in a wooden box on a shelve in my living room !

Sorry for your loss Sir