Hog trap cell camera question


Question for y'all experienced in cell cams. I have built a drop trap that will use a cell cam to know when to drop it. With this different use what camera do you think will work best and why? The systems that are factory use live vids. I can't afford these so trying to use best trail cam. The trap round 15 foot that the whole thing lifts off the ground, so there can be a lot of movement if info takes too long to be viewed. Looking at Spartan blackout. What do y'all think? Thanks


PF Trump Cam Operator !20/20
It's what I have. I guess Spartan, Ridgetec, or Covert would be most dependable. Notifications should come in less than a minute with a good signal strength.


Senior Member


Senior Member
I don’t know anything about spartan or Ridgetec cause I only have coverts and one spyjunk. Our two newest LTE model has around a 15 to 20 second time from the time the camera is triggered till the time it gets to my phone. It also has a real time feature to where you can request a real time pic as long as you have it on real time on the remote control.


Yes you can turn on "Remote Control". You can have the camera call in to the server for any reason or snap a photo then upload it. In either case the camera will then interact with the server and perform any queued tasks such as setttings change, upload high res, upload video clips, etc.