Honest reviews for Ozonics


Senior Member
I have seen plenty of deer this season, but it seems like swirling winds makes half of them spooky when they get into bow range. 20~ yards for me. Has anyone have any experience/reviews on bow hunting with an ozonics?
I just bought one this past spring. Used it for the first time ever this past week and killed the biggest deer I have ever seen at 15 yards. He came from directly down wind of me and never even acted nervous. I also sprayed down and was wearing scent lock coveralls, so I can’t say that the ozonics was the determining factor. I can tell you that I have sprayed down and put on the scent lock before and it didn’t always work out.

Long Cut

Senior Member
I bought an Ozonics HR300 used off ArcheryTalk forums a couple years back. Same experiences as you, access and wind direction would be perfect but thermals or wind swirl kept hindering my success.

One September afternoon I slipped into a stand overlooking a feeder. Access and wind direction were perfect for this spot. I quickly realized that when the wind picked up, it swirled in the opening around the feeder. This was verified by dropping milkweed (similar to cattail seeds) helps you see the wind currents better than powder..

The first 3-4 hours I left the Ozonics off. Deer would come in, feed but when that wind picked up they all went bounding off.

I turned the Ozonics on in my treestand just in the normal setting, deer came in and began feeding. When the wind picked up, they all went head up but instead of running they were sniffing around. They’d sniff and look around for 30-45 seconds then resume feeding. This went on and off for several hours, having at times up to 7-12 does, fawns and bucks around me.

Finally one very large and old doe came out and knew something wasn’t right. Instead of feeding she kept doing figure 8’s around my stand to catch my downwind scent and followed it to the base of my tree but kept walking around. I ended up shooting her broadside at 5-6 yards. Of the 20+ deer I saw that evening, she was the only one I can say the Ozonics didn’t completely fool.

That’s my real world “testing” with Ozonics. I’ll keep using them until otherwise .

Todd E

Senior Member
Do all the normal scent treatment to your body and outerwear. Add the Ozonics to your arsenal and JUST Hunt !!!
It works.


Bigfoot friendly
I believe they work and one day I may get one. My cousin in KY said he has them and will hook us up when we get there. Will let you know how that turns out!
I don’t know if it voodoo, magic, or just coincidence but I started using ozone machine last season and have killed my 2 biggest bucks. A 140 and a 156. Both with a bow. I’ve had many deer pass by and get down wind or have it swirl and not pay any attention. Some will smell it and know something isn’t right but never blow out. It confuses them and most of the time they will go back to feeding. I also ozone my close in a tote for about 30 minutes and dress in the woods. It’s only weird if it doesn’t work and for now it’s working.


Senior Member
I don’t know if it voodoo, magic, or just coincidence but I started using ozone machine last season and have killed my 2 biggest bucks. A 140 and a 156. Both with a bow. I’ve had many deer pass by and get down wind or have it swirl and not pay any attention. Some will smell it and know something isn’t right but never blow out. It confuses them and most of the time they will go back to feeding. I also ozone my close in a tote for about 30 minutes and dress in the woods. It’s only weird if it doesn’t work and for now it’s working.
Which unit do you have??
I started out with the HME throw and goes. A cheap unit but need 2 because they will time out about every 30 minutes so don’t get 100 % coverage. Just alternate between units. Took some movement and they where good for about a 4-5 hour hunt alternating between them.I still use the throw n go in the tubs.
Now I’m using the Ozonics Orion x. I also picked up an extra battery. They are on sale now through their website.


Staff member
I agree that smoke works as well but I have to work after I hunt some days so smelling like smoke isn’t always an option. Not saying Ozonics is the cure all but it is another tool in the box.

tell sackett

Senior Member
See, here is what gets me.

OP asks for honest reviews. If you dont own one, why respond? You can't give a review. You're ONLY giving a NAYSAY for a product you know nothing about. Just a poopoo OPINION.


Senior Member
See, here is what gets me.

OP asks for honest reviews. If you dont own one, why respond? You can't give a review. You're ONLY giving a NAYSAY for a product you know nothing about. Just a poopoo OPINION.
Yep! Also for anything related to scent you always get the “Just hunt the wind, problem solved”, like the wind never changes or swirls. I know the indians hunted the wind while not bathing, smoking, and farting wildly, but that doesn’t mean we have to do the same!

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
I have noticed the Ozonics positive results are much higher when used in conjunction with a feeder.

Disagree 100%.

Hunters use them all the time in states (like Illinois) that do not allow baiting.

This may be a wild guess but my suspicion is that you don’t like baiting or Ozonics and that was your chance to get a ding in on both of them.

I don’t have an Ozonics but the success stories are too many to ignore.

Long Cut

Senior Member
I have noticed the Ozonics positive results are much higher when used in conjunction with a feeder.

Hopefully that made you feel good about yourself.

I used Ozonics over a feeder because I wanted to see how deer reacted to the Ozonics more than anything. I actually hunt WMA’s more than I do what little private land I’m able to hunt, but I won’t waste my time talking to one whose already made up their mind anymore.

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