Its officially happening- SEC expansion


Senior Member
I just hope they don't try the pod crap. Slide Bama and Auburn to the east, that way you keep the Ga/Barn rivalry and UT/Bama rivalry and then OK/TX/aTm could keep their rivalry alive in the west. Question is would little Nicky accept moving to the East

Two divisons. Period. Two crossover games. Period. That rotating pod crap is for the birds. It just confuses things. Use the KISS principle for a change. ( Keep It Simple Stupid)


Senior Member


Senior Member
Had a dude on Twitter spouting off about OU's academic requirements. I replied to him the academic rankings showing Oklahoma ranked 133rd
UGA is 43rd
UF #30
Tennessee #113
AUburn #97
Vandy #14

I am guessing he is trying to spin that 80% acceptance rate in Norman while UGA is at a 48% acceptance rate. OU must be a regular Harvard on The Highway.


Senior Member
Espin just flashed an interesting graphic.
OU and tu vs the SEC the last 15 years



**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
I just hope they don't try the pod crap. Slide Bama and Auburn to the east, that way you keep the Ga/Barn rivalry and UT/Bama rivalry and then OK/TX/aTm could keep their rivalry alive in the west. Question is would little Nicky accept moving to the East
If they move Bama to the sec least you,the dawgs and gators can forget winning sec championships and competing for natty’s


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
If they move Bama to the sec least you,the dawgs and gators can forget winning sec championships and competing for natty’s

Once again I find it amusing that Dawg haters think that Lord Saban will be there forever and that his legacy will live on when he is GON. Also that he simply can't be beat.

And compound that by thinking that a 1 loss, non conference champion, ESPECIALLY from the SEC, can't get in and that's even BEFORE allowing for CFP expansion.


**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
Once again I find it amusing that Dawg haters think that Lord Saban will be there forever and that his legacy will live on when he is GON. Also that he simply can't be beat.

And compound that by thinking that a 1 loss, non conference champion, ESPECIALLY from the SEC, can't get in and that's even BEFORE allowing for CFP expansion.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way

Already happened. Alabama in as a 1 loss non champion.

Frankly ill be surprised if he's still coaching come '25. He'll be what? 75? Not to mention the prospect of facing UGA, UF, Au EVERY season and some potential combination of OU, Tx, and LSU? That is a daunting schedule even for the GOAT.

Believe that with expansion the SEC will likely have a minimum of 4 teams a year in the playoff because there just not enough other competitive teams outside of it. In any given year there MIGHT be 4 in the B1G, 1 in the ACC, MAYBE 2, maybe 1 or 2 in the PAC and what in the B12 with the departure of UT and OU. 12 team playoff, you do the math.


**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
Already happened. Alabama in as a 1 loss non champion.

Frankly ill be surprised if he's still coaching come '25. He'll be what? 75? Not to mention the prospect of facing UGA, UF, Au EVERY season and some potential combination of OU, Tx, and LSU? That is a daunting schedule even for the GOAT.

Believe that with expansion the SEC will likely have a minimum of 4 teams a year in the playoff because there just not enough other competitive teams outside of it. In any given year there MIGHT be 4 in the B1G, 1 in the ACC, MAYBE 2, maybe 1 or 2 in the PAC and what in the B12 with the departure of UT and OU. 12 team playoff, you do the math.
Ohio state did it to. Just because those teams did doesn’t mean the dawgs can.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Ohio state did it to. Just because those teams did doesn’t mean the dawgs can.

As things currently stand I tend to agree but once expansion takes place, which you failed to address, I see them in more often than not.


**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
As things currently stand I tend to agree but once expansion takes place, which you failed to address, I see them in more often than not.
”expansion isn’t happening any time soon. Good luck


Senior Member
”expansion isn’t happening any time soon. Good luck

Texas and OU are both gearing toward a 2022 entrance or 2023. They’re not sticking around any long than they have to. Someone said it’s like getting a divorce in June and waiting around till Christmas to leave....2023 will have the new SEC in place.


**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
Texas and OU are both gearing toward a 2022 entrance or 2023. They’re not sticking around any long than they have to. Someone said it’s like getting a divorce in June and waiting around till Christmas to leave....2023 will have the new SEC in place.
I think he was referring to expanding the playoff. That won’t happen until 2026 if it does at all


Money talks.
In whose book is Texas and Oklahoma 'southeast'?

Outside of a small area slightly west and north of Houston including Houston neither is the south let alone the southeast. I have lived in and spent a great deal of time in Texas and outside of far east Texas and Houston to some extent Texas is more similar to the midwest than it is to the south. West Texas is more akin to the southwest.

There is very little in Texas which is southern in nature.....every town of any size has a ice house and a dance hall. Folks in the south would get the vapors with all of that drinking and dancing going on.....

Oklahoma is straight up mid west. Nothing about Oklahoma is southern....


Hey MCBUck - not so fast. They may bring some good bbq to the tail gate...:)

No they won't. Texas BBQ consists of beef which is cooked to the consistency of a charcoal briquet and slathered in ketchup. You can't sling a dead cat in Georgia, the Carolinas or eastern Tennessee and not hit a gas station with better BBQ than that which can be found in the highest rated, most beloved BBQ places in the entirety of Texas. Texans know NOTHING about cooking anything at all....but they are especially bad at BBQ. Like everything else in Texas their crippling inferiority complex requires they defend that swill as if it is actually edible and decent folks, not keen on upsetting people with obvious emotional problems, allow them to get away with it until the scoundrels actually begin to believe it.

I can remember when you would not find pork at any BBQ place in the state of Texas. It was ALL brisket. Now all of them try to do pork but they all fail MISERABLY. Some places would have sausage though and the German ancestry of many native Texans shines through in the way of sausage making and beer brewing.

The only thing I have ever found noteworthy about Texas cuisine is ice cream, wurst and beer. They know how to make some serious sausage and they can brew a fine beer and ice cream is special in Texas.


I'm with you on that and I'm from North Carolina (go Heels} but those Texans can do some thangs with a brisket. I, begrudgingly, learned to respect their skill

BBQ is pig. Period. It is not a way of cooking it is pork slowly smoked to perfection.

The trouble is folks who ought to know better (Texans) either don't or have forgotten and act as if cooking any meat over some sort of fire is the point that you will be invited to a BBQ in Texas and when you arrive you will find it is, instead, a cook out where burgers and hot dogs are on the menu. Folks from the south know what BBQ is and it is not a cooking technique....BBQ is pig, period.


”expansion isn’t happening any time soon. Good luck

Conference expansion has definitely dampened the desire to expand the playoffs. The lesser conferences are of the opinion that the SEC has made its own bed and can now sleep in it with at most 2 SEC teams in the 4 team playoff. What these sour grape sufferers fail to recognize is TV OWNS CFB lock stock and barrel and there is more interest in say Alabama, LSU, UGA and Oklahoma in the playoff than they are in watching Ohio State and Clemson and Notre Dame get waylaid in the first round. The playoff committee has, to date, proven to be pretty adapt at selecting the BEST teams for the playoffs. That trend will continue whether the playoff is expanded or not...and it is entirely likely the playoff will consist of 3 SEC teams and either Ohio State or Clemson some years.

On top of this the supporters of CFB widely support the idea of playoff expansion. The market for it is there and TV will see that it happens sooner than later.

Finally most CFB programs and the other conferences need playoff expansion for the revenue it will drive. The other conferences can and will pooch their lips out, whine and snivel about fairness and the evil SEC but at the end of the day playoff expansion is going to happen because there is too much money in it for it not to....and on off years the SEC with its 16 teams will have 25% of the slots and in good years may approach 75% of them.


If they move Bama to the sec least you,the dawgs and gators can forget winning sec championships and competing for natty’s

Riiiggghhhttttt because UGA and UF have not won 23 or more SEC titles with Alabama in the conference.

Will it be more difficult? Certainly....but it is easier to play Alabama with them having a week to prepare than it is with them having a couple of weeks or a month. Ole Miss, TAM and Auburn have managed to beat Alabama during Saban's run and none of them had the overall talent those seasons that UGA and UF have most seasons. No, it won't be easy but it ain't cut and dried that it will never happen again.