Jack Scott / Turkey shows

Al White

Senior Member
Jack emailed me and asked me to post about the shows that he is going to be at, here's what he had to say:

"Al I was looking at Woody's tonight, and Would you please post a thread and let them know that I am not going to Nashville this year, that is just too much for one weekend for me. I will be in Unicoi and also at the Turkeyrama in perry, and if they have the one in Ozark Al, this year, I plan to go there also. Thanks, Jack "

If anyone needs his contact info, pm me and I'll get it for you.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Thanks Al. I heard Jack say last year that he may not go to Nashville this year. He said that the booth space rent has gone out the ceiling.


Senior Member
Good information, Al. Thanks for passing it along.

Dudley Do-Wrong

Senior Member
What's the show in Ozark, Al., I may be interested in that one. Anyone know the contact info?


Senior Member
Dang, I was hoping to see him in Atlanta or Nashville.