Leaving ladder stands on WMAs?


Senior Member
Went to a WMA for the first visit today and ran across 2 ladderstands that were 'set' in place.
Looks like they have been there for quite some time, as they are set into the dirt and attached but not chained to the tree.
These are right off main trails which are also something a game warden could not miss if they ever drove onto the trails.
I was under the impression that ladder stands cannot be left permenantly on a WMA...is this correct?


I was under the impression that all stands must be removed by noon the day after the WMA closes. That's the way it was written in previous regulations books. I'm not aware of any charges.


...just joking, seriously.
I would leave them be...
I think you could still say that taking them would be theft by taking.
Can't you get that charge for picking someone's stuff up off the side of the highway?


Senior Member
Legally they are supposed to be removed but it’s pretty common to find them. Most I know of around here are abandoned and have become community stands. I can think of a couple that’s been out there for as long as I can remember. I nearly consider some historical landmarks.


Senior Member
Just leave them be. If the game wardens don't take them down, just leave them for next year. In my opinion, ladder stands are too big and bulky to put up and take down every year. They are better suited to be left up and become first come, first serve stands that everyone can use each year.


Senior Member
I bet I could find a good 5k $ worth of high end ladder stands on both the WMA's I hunt (Florida). I get it. Hauling these things into some of the places they are has got to be a huge pain. If the spot pans out, they leave it. If it doesn't pan out they leave it. Rusted cables and hardware, pine needles caked on the seat, wasp nests under the platform, rotted straps all tell me it's abandoned. None are mine so I don't fool with them. Not a big deal to me.


Senior Member
I’ve found climbers at this time of the year in which you can tell that they are still being used, people don’t care until they get caught, on one place I hunt ( non Wma but public ) the rangers left a note on the sign in board stating that whoever had a stand at such and such place to remove it or risk it being confiscated. I guess game wardens have other priorities than removing illegal treestands

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