Looking for Boykin breeder recommendations


^^ essentially what I am saying. It rubs me the wrong way when someone makes all of their money and livelihood off breeding puppies.

He keeps his kennels clean, the puppies are raised in a clean and safe environment, and he will provide you with the information such as pedigrees, genetic test info, etc

I have also heard that he refunds customers well who have health problems with one of his dogs. I have heard he is a nice person

Again, It just rubs me the wrong way when someone breeds this many litters of puppies in a year.

If this personally does not bother you then that is fine... do what you want with the information provided on a forum

I once saw a Boykin female for sale on Craig's list that was 8 or 9 years old. The number listed was to this breeder. I never thought twice about looking at his site again. Just like you said it rubbed me the wrong way because I felt like the dog was put out now that she wasn't breedable.


Senior Member
Okay, here is my 2 cents worth. I am not a big fan of the Boykin breed but I am a fan of Carey. I have known him for decades and have always thought of him as a hard working, honest and his reputation as a person and or businessman is of the highest quality I can could vouch for in any one person. I have been at his operation many times and you will not see a better run operation anywhere. If you only have a problem with how many litters of puppies he has, then that is your opinion and you do have a right to have one, but Carey is a class act. One other thing, Carey does not make his living only off of just puppies. He has a sizable farm operation with row crops and cattle. He is also a professional comedian and can make you laugh until your side hurts. His wife owns and operates a very sucessful personal care home.
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mizzippi jb

Welcome back.
Water swat is the first and foremost authority on this matter. I would direct all my questions directly to him if I were you. I could offer you advice on the breed, breeder, pups, etc but all it would be is nonsense compared to what he knows


Senior Member
Water swat is the first and foremost authority on this matter. I would direct all my questions directly to him if I were you. I could offer you advice on the breed, breeder, pups, etc but all it would be is nonsense compared to what he knows


Dave putnam

New Member
Water swat is the first and foremost authority on this matter. I would direct all my questions directly to him if I were you. I could offer you advice on the breed, breeder, pups, etc but all it would be is nonsense compared to what he knows
Thank you mizzippi. I tried to message him but I am new to the forum so I assume that is why it won’t let me send messages yet. From looking around on here I figured he had a lot of good knowledge.

Joe Overby

Senior Member
What mizzippi said is 100% solid gold. Blaine is the world's authority on the breed. He has put HRCHs on more boykins than any individual ever since the inception of the breed in the last 5 short years. Look up Hudson River Retrievers, you'll find him there.

PS. Blaine doesnt mince words. He is very direct and to the point. Take what he says to the bank. Leave your thin skin at home.

Dave putnam

New Member
What mizzippi said is 100% solid gold. Blaine is the world's authority on the breed. He has put HRCHs on more boykins than any individual ever since the inception of the breed in the last 5 short years. Look up Hudson River Retrievers, you'll find him there.

PS. Blaine doesnt mince words. He is very direct and to the point. Take what he says to the bank. Leave your thin skin at home.
Thank you joe I will get in touch with Blaine