Meateater podcast #309 Battered & Fried


Senior Member
Have y'all listened to this one yet? Kinda a slow episode. I kept fast fwd trying to get to the meat. I finally gave up on it. It doesn't happen very often.
Any thoughts?


frying fish driveler
No sir haven’t, but did catch a bit about a company producing meat in a lab for human consumption. Soylent Green?


Useles Billy ain’t got nothing on ME !
I thought that the discussion on Utah's trial cam legislation was interesting; we had discussed that in detail on here, but their discussion put the details in context for me. I also really enjoyed the discussion on fair chase ethics regarding drones and some of the more recent fishing technology.

Overall, I'd agree that it was a little slower than usual, but I took it as an off day and listened to all of it anyway.