Most U.S. Religious Leaders Support 'Ground Zero Mosque'


Senior Member
Not surprisingly, Time, a noted liberal-leaning organization has polled 8, yes, eight people from various organizations (mostly liberal) and concluded that "Most U.S. Religious Leaders Support 'Ground Zero Mosque'".

Is 8 a statistically significant sample? How comprehensive was the listing from which the sample was taken? Was the actual selection completely random and untainted by bias? They make no pretense of seeking to conduct a meaningful inquiry, yet they draw a ridiculous conclusion from a small group that is weighted to the most liberal viewpoint.

Without knowing for certain how the interviewees were selected, the article is absolutely worthless. I suspect that since most of those polled have rather significant, public name recognition or easily identified organization affiliation that the process was anything but random.

Thanks for posting, but I would ask that you vet the material more thoroughly for impartiality before posting such specious articles. It appears that the writer picked a headline and built a case to support it, while giving the impression of genuine discovery.


Were you not surprised at some on the list.? Any news article is going to be slanted in some direction. It is up to an individual to judge the worthiness of the article. I thought it was very interesting that a Jewish org. would come out in support .
Vetting articles for impartiality could become a full time job. Savvy folks know how to sift through what is published.


Senior Member

Interesting article. * JudeoChristian orginizations that support it . One dissenting org.

I was surprised at some .

It doesn’t surprise me. This move by Abdul Rauf is political not spiritual. From a spiritual standpoint I do not care where the Muslims build a mosque, from a political standpoint I do. Every time the Muslims make a “conquest” they build a mosque on it so what they are telling the U.S. is “We beat you”. If one of those planes had destroyed the White House or the Capital Building they would be trying to build the mosque there. It is nothing more than a poke in the eye to America and the families of those murdered on Sept. 11th.

As an American I don’t like that. I also know that it is not a gesture of “peace” as Abdul Rauf claims it to be. But what else can you expect under administration like the current one. The spineless come out when the very top is spineless.

Notice how once they were called on the carpet they fell right into the "Rules for radicles" recommendation of name calling. i.e. "Americans are bigots"

Perhaps we will one day get another president with courage, conviction, character, and a spine, one that believes in American exceptionalism.

Until then the spineless will pour from the woodwork.

"Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."
Billy Graham


Senior Member
I dont know what planet that survey was taken on but I would say thats a lie. Most Churches and Americans dont want the muzzies in NY.


You must not read or watch the news much . If you are serious with that comment ,call,write ,or email those folks and ask them.


Senior Member
You must not read or watch the news much . If you are serious with that comment ,call,write ,or email those folks and ask them.

I saw the rasmusen poll yesterday. 70% said no to the mosque.


Christians call for respect for Muslims at Ramadan
The National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, its Interfaith Relations Commission and participants in the National Muslim-Christian Initiative, have issued a statement the eve of Ramadan calling on Christians to respect their Muslim neighbors. Christ's call to 'love your neighbor as yourself', more that the simple bonds of our common humanity ... "is the basis for our relationship with Muslims around the world." Read more.

Kinnamon supports building of a mosque at Ground Zero
For thousands of families, New York's Ground Zero is holy ground. Thousands lost someone they love in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. The emotional investment in Ground Zero cannot be overestimated. That is precisely why Ground Zero must be open to the religious expression of all people whose lives were scarred by the tragedy: Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, and more. And Muslims. Read More.

See how quick you can access information.


Other Faiths
As America's population more and more reflects the pluralism of the world faith community, we will identify and pursue opportunities to develop positive and meaningful relationships with all religious communities.
Read More

Muslim-Jewish Relations
AJC's efforts in the area of Muslim-Jewish relations will lay the groundwork for understanding and cooperation across faith group lines in ways that will be extraordinarily important.

See how easy that is ? Google is your friend. Before you call something a lie ,you should check your FACTS.

Larry Young Jr

Senior Member
Let the people of NEW YORK vote on the Ground Zero mosque. Let the people make the decision. They are the ones that have to live with it, And Stop trying making religious war out this. You might believe that they have right to build the mosque and I believe they shouldn't, that is our thoughts. So let the people speak! That's what alot of you are saying. So making a argument of who is and who is wrong can be debated till the end of time. I really not know why I am writing this, I guess I am tired of the all the debating. You believe what you want and I will believe what want. I do believe that if the people get to vote on it, The mosqus will not get built. So
GOD BLESS everyone. Sorry if you dont believe.


If you let the people vote it will set up the US to discriminate at will. Vote no if it's a mosque , a Jewish synagogue , a Catholic church, whatever religion you don't like. See where that leads ? There are laws in place that address what can be built where. Use them.


Resident Homesteader
If you let the people vote it will set up the US to discriminate at will..........

What is this country, without the vote of the people? Thats whats wrong now. The people have no voice.


1st amendment. Constitution. Bill of rights.

Any of that ring a bell ?


Senior Member
Was Abraham Lincoln acting within legal statutes when he went against the Constitution to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus during wartime? "During his terms as president, he suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus, and upheld the Declaration of Independence above the Constitution." via

This move to build a mosque at ground zero and the folks involved in the planning process, combined with radicals funding it, whose many comments are supportive and sympathetic to terrorist organizations, amounts to subversion in a time of war. Of course many of the mamby pamby folks on here and in Washington could not see a threat to our Freedoms and our American way of life, until they stepped on an IED with a pre-recorded message of Mr Imam telling you to kiss your two, pink, sweet cheeks goodbye just prior to the explosion. No wonder many can't see this threat for what it is.
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The term War on terrorists does not translate to war on Muslims. The mosque should not be built on that site. The only way to accomplish that is through the legal process. It should have been stopped at the zoning board. It should have been turned into a historical site. It wasn't because of money. In this case money won out . Has any red blooded American stepped up with the money to buy it ? I don't have that kind of money . But there are a few who do. Why haven't they come forward ?
It could and can be stopped. Legally.


Senior Member
The project is not funded at this point, but the publicity might actually help in raising the funds, approx. $100 million.

But I did pick up this on the www. and thought it a bit humorous.

"If it is true that the mosque near Ground Zero is to promote tolerance; it was suggested that a gay nightclub be opened next door to the mosque. Two names suggested are;"The Turban Cowboy", and "You Mecca Me Hot". On the other side they should open a butcher shop that specializes in pork! And across the street a store that sells and displays bikinis or ladies lingerie on manikins...or live models."

- attributed to arizona fire fighter -

Got a chuckle on the "tolerance" angle. Who thinks up this stuff??