My take on Phil Robertson's stance on homosexuality


Senior Member
Phil's message was not about just gays, it was about sexual immorality in general. The media speaks of it as a gay rant only because the gay organizations got all upset by his even mentioning gays.

His message was straight out of the Bible. After his message was perceived to be a gay rant by A&E it became a Christian issue.
We even as Christians dwelled more on the gay aspects of the list of sins in Phil's message. Phil was just showing that being gay was equal to the other sins listed in Corinthians.
I still see the issue as a breach of our freedom more than anything else.


Senior Member
I can understand how some people become confused and mixed up about homosexuality as a sin. The gays have done a good job in the last 10 years promoting their actions to be accepted by society.

The point you make here is very blunt though and all Christians need to think about it, when you're on the side of sin, you are against God.

I started a thread on Paul's use of the word arsenokoitai and the general use of terms like effeminate, & malakois to better understand homosexuality as a sin.
It is confusing and I don't won't to add or take away from God's Word.
I would appreciate some input on this thread:


Staff member
His message was straight out of the Bible. After his message was perceived to be a gay rant by A&E it became a Christian issue.
We even as Christians dwelled more on the gay aspects of the list of sins in Phil's message. Phil was just showing that being gay was equal to the other sins listed in Corinthians.
I still see the issue as a breach of our freedom more than anything else.

Yes, his message is straight from the Bible. He did get a field with his common man approach when discussing the benefits of the female anatomy versus that of a man, but his point was that this is God's plan it has benefits. Basic freedom, not Constitutional.

I think he really landed the hammer when he later spoke of how the gays squealed because they know it is a sin and the light of truth it hurts them.


Senior Member
The man in Corinthians was a Christian. How does that relate to the men in Romans?
1 Corinthians 5:5
Then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns.
11But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

We just shun them but they are still saved.


Senior Member
i believe we all strive for excellence for the Lord and no man is perfect . I find it clear based on your actions the Lord will see who to send in our paths. Maybe Phil is being made an example by the Lord. Can we come away learning anything from this? Phil's persecution help us or doom us? It will depend on how we handle the situation i believe. Its okay they're Gay we still have our Place and let them have theirs. If it angers us we failed, if it confuses us we fail, maintain your Godhead and it'll be okay.

they only talk because we answer.