To Rightly Grasp the Resurrection, One Must First Understand Sin


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)

I posted on something that was pertinent to this subject earlier in the week: that to destroy Christianity is to destroy the very underpinnings of our nation. This aritcle gives more voice to that.

Aaron Renn describes the “Negative World” (2014–the present) as a period when a culture adopts a negative view of Christianity, “particularly in the elite domains of society.” Mr. Renn adds that, in the Negative World:

Christian morality is expressly repudiated and seen as a threat to the public good and the new public moral order. Subscribing to Christian moral views or violating the secular moral order brings negative consequences
Of course, this is exactly what we see in America today, especially where the “woke” rule. Much of the disdain for Christianity that we see today—and throughout time—is due to what God has had to say and do about sin. Far too many Americans today have refused to close their minds on matters that have been settled for all time, and instead have decided to adopt their own moral code (especially on matters within the sexual realm).
Christ dying for our sins is an amazing—and necessary—act of love and sacrifice, but it is not the end of the matter. Just as important as Christ dying for our sins is His resurrection.... However, for a complete understanding of the events of Jesus’s life—especially His death and resurrection—one must seek to understand sin and its sorrowful, destructive, and deadly effect upon humanity.
Since the first humans decided that they wanted to “be like God,” the world has been plagued—literally cursed—by sin....People don’t like hearing that things in their life need to change: that they are on the wrong path; that the things they are currently enjoying are really quite evil and deadly. In other words, people don’t like being told that they need to “repent.”

As I noted several years ago, the greatest lie ever told is that there is no God. The second greatest lie ever told is that the devil does not exist. The third greatest lie ever told is that your (and my) sin is not really sin. One of the greatest debates within the church today surrounds the question of what is sin.

You look at every self-destructive behavior exhibited by our country today, everything that is literally tearing this country apart; homosexuality, transexuality, promiscuity, formenting of hatred between races, classes, sexes, political parties, the murder, drugs, the complete disregard for human life, etc, everything that's bad and it's all because, just as the author stated, "Far too many Americans today have refused to close their minds on matters that have been settled for all time (by God)". It's not that we don't know what the root of the problem is, we just don't want to do what's needed to correct it. It's that simple.